00636: PageVar, FmtPageName not extracting group from url in clean urls

Summary: PageVar, FmtPageName not extracting group from url in clean urls
Created: 2006-01-08 07:09
Status: Closed fixed in 2.1.beta18
Category: Bug
From: HansB
Priority: 55
Version: 2.1.beta15 -17

Description: I tried on a clean installation pmwiki 2.1.beta17, set in config.php:

   $EnablePathInfo = 1;
   $group = PageVar($pagename, '$Group');
   echo  $group;

This always delivers $Group.$Name, it can't extract the group from a short url path.

   $EnablePathInfo = 0;
   $group = PageVar($pagename, '$Group');
   echo  $group;

This always delivers $Group as it should.


   $EnablePathInfo = 1;
   $name = PageVar($pagename, '$Name');
   echo  $name;

delivers nothing, whereas

   $EnablePathInfo = 0;
   $name = PageVar($pagename, '$Name');
   echo  $name;

delivers $Name without $Group as it should.

the same happens using FmtPageName('$Group',$pagename);

This bug appears from beta 15 onwards. beta 14 is okay.

This bug breaks cookbook and skin scripts where specific page checks are performed, and pmwiki is configured with clean urls.

Workaround: set $EnablePathInfo = 0;