00156: unordered list

Summary: unordered list
Created: 2004-11-12 13:11
Status: Closed - not a bug
Category: Bug
From: Stefan
Priority: 3
Version: 2.0.devel20
OS: Linux/Apache

Description: Something like

  • item one
    • subitem one
  • item two

produces the following code with "hanging" </li>s


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Ummm, I don't see the "hanging" </li>s you're describing. For example, the "item one/subitem one/item two markup" given above in the example is correctly producing:

<ul><li> item one
<ul><li> subitem one
</li></ul></li><li> item two

Each list item is correctly terminated. What's more, this page correctly validates -- see http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer.

Can you give a better example?


I thought it should look like

  <li> item one</li>
      <li> subitem one</li>
  <li> item two</li>

But probably I'm wrong ... -- Stefan

Stefan - your example is not correct. A list must be within a list.


  <li> item one
      <li> subitem one</li>
  <li> item two</li>


  <li> item one</li>
      <li> subitem one</li>
  <li> item two</li>

Stated another way, the only thing that a <ul> element can contain is <li> elements. Anything nested inside an unordered list must be inside of the <li>'s. --Pm