
Summary: Talk page for Mini with Fancybox.
Maintainer: Petko
Users: +1 (View / Edit)

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Broken with mini 20190906

To properly works fancybox rely on rel attribute in <a href> tag that surrounding each images of the mini gallery. But this has been replaced by a new data-lightbox attribute.

Solution :

Change the mini-fancybox.js script to reintroduce the rel attribute making fancybox works again :

// This file was created by Petko Yotov |
// for the purposes of the Mini gallery for PmWiki. (20110817)
var MiniFancyboxOptions = {
  'type': 'image',
  'titlePosition': 'inside',
  'padding': 2,
  'margin': 10
$(document).ready(function () {
  var MiniTitleFmt = function (T, CA, CI, CO) {
    // title, currentArray, currentIndex, currentOpts
    var cnt = (CA.length == 1 || MiniFancyboxOptions.enableKeyboardNav == false) ? '' :
      '<span style="float: right;">' + (CI + 1) + ' / ' + CA.length + '</span> ';
    if (cnt.length + T.length == 0) return '';
    return '<span id="fancybox-title-' + MiniFancyboxOptions.titlePosition + '">' + cnt + T + '</span>';
  MiniFancyboxOptions.titleFormat = MiniTitleFmt;
  var Rels = {};
  $("a[data-lightbox^=lightbox]").each(function () {
    Rels[$(this).attr('data-lightbox')] = 1;
    $(this).attr('rel', 'lightbox_mini');

  for (var i in Rels) {
    if (i == "lightbox") {
      MiniFancyboxOptions.showNavArrows = false;
      MiniFancyboxOptions.enableKeyboardNav = false;
    $("a[rel=" + i + "]").fancybox(MiniFancyboxOptions);

AntonyTemplier April 16, 2021, at 08:59 AM

This must have been fixed since Fancybox works in the demo page. Apparently you have started from an older version 20110817, current version is 20181115. --Petko April 16, 2021, at 10:50 AM

Talk page for the Mini with Fancybox recipe (users).