, Copyright 2007. * see http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/Hg * Modified by: Kathryn Andersen * Contributions by Hans Bracker and Feral. * File modified by Petko Yotov to work with PHP 5.5 */ $RecipeInfo['Cluster']['Version'] = '2014-05-15'; /* ================================================================ * Customisation Variables for use in local config file */ SDV($ClusterSeparator, '-'); SDV($ClusterMaxLevels, 7); SDV($ClusterBreadCrumbSeparator, " $ClusterSeparator "); SDV($ClusterEnableBreadCrumbName, 1); SDV($ClusterEnableTitles, false); SDV($ClusterEnableSpaces, false); SDV($ClusterEnableNameClustering, false); /* ================================================================ * script Setup */ $pagename = ResolvePageName($pagename); $EnablePGCust = 0; $m = preg_split('/[.\\/]/', $pagename); $group = $m[0]; $name = $m[1]; /* ================================================================ * Page Variables */ /* * Please note: * Page Variables CANNOT be set by using a function which processes * the current page name, however efficient that may be. * They MUST be set by giving them a function to call, because * the *current* pagename is not the only pagename they might need * to process. Inside pagelists, they are given the pagename of * the page in the list of pages that the pagelist is processing. * Therefore, if you use the current $pagename, then you break all use * inside pagelists. */ $FmtPV['$g0'] = 'ClusterCountLevels($group)'; $FmtPV['$g01'] = 'ClusterCountLevels($group, +1)'; $FmtPV['$n0'] = 'ClusterCountLevels($name)'; for ($i=0; $i < $ClusterMaxLevels; $i++) { $groupvar = "g" . ($i + 1); $namevar = "n" . ($i + 1); $FmtPV['$' . $groupvar] = 'ClusterSplitName($group, ' . $i . ')'; $FmtPV['$' . $namevar] = 'ClusterSplitName($name, ' . $i . ')'; } # separators $FmtPV['$ClusterSep'] = '"'.$ClusterSeparator.'"'; $FmtPV['$ClusterBreadCrumbSep'] = '"'.$ClusterBreadCrumbSeparator.'"'; $FmtPV['$ClusterMaxLevels'] = '"'.$ClusterMaxLevels.'"'; # breadcrumb trail page variables: $FmtPV['$BreadCrumbDepth'] = 'ClusterCountLevels($group)'; $FmtPV['$BreadCrumb'] = 'ClusterSlice($pn, "separator=\''.$ClusterBreadCrumbSeparator.'\' return=links")'; $FmtPV['$BreadCrumbTitle'] = 'ClusterSlice($pn, "separator=\''.$ClusterBreadCrumbSeparator.'\' return=links title=true space=true ")'; $FmtPV['$BreadCrumbNoTitle'] = 'ClusterSlice($pn, "separator=\''.$ClusterBreadCrumbSeparator.'\' return=links title=false space=false ")'; # Grouptitle PVs $FmtPV['$GroupTitle'] = 'ClusterSlice($pn, "start=-1 name=false return=names title=true space=false")'; $FmtPV['$GroupTitlespaced'] = 'ClusterSlice($pn, "start=-1 name=false return=names title=true space=true")'; # Subpage PVs $FmtPV['$ClusterSideBar'] = 'ClusterPageName($group, "SideBar", $name)'; $FmtPV['$ClusterRightBar'] = 'ClusterPageName($group, "RightBar", $name)'; /* ================================================================ * Markup and directives */ # Markup for link shortcuts if(function_exists('Markup_e')) { # added by Petko Yotov Markup_e('[[cluster','= count($parts)) return ''; else return $parts[$ind]; } # return the pagename of the closest ancestor function ClusterPageName($group, $sought_name, $curr_name = '') { global $ClusterSeparator, $ClusterEnableNameClustering; global $SiteGroup; $poss_name = ''; if ($ClusterEnableNameClustering && $curr_name) { $names = explode($ClusterSeparator, $curr_name); while (count($names) != 0) { $cluster_name = implode ($ClusterSeparator, $names); $poss_name = "$group.${cluster_name}${ClusterSeparator}${sought_name}"; if (PageExists($poss_name)) { // short-circuit return! return $poss_name; } array_pop($names); } } $groups = explode($ClusterSeparator, $group); while (count($groups) != 0) { $cluster_group = implode ($ClusterSeparator, $groups); $poss_name = "$cluster_group.$sought_name"; if (PageExists($poss_name)) { // short-circuit return! return $poss_name; } array_pop($groups); } return "$SiteGroup.$sought_name"; } # process link shortcut markup function ClusterLinks($pagename, $prefix, $inlink) { global $ClusterSeparator, $DefaultName, $ClusterEnableNameClustering; $m = preg_split('/[.\\/]/', $pagename); $group = $m[0]; $name = $m[1]; if ($prefix == "-") { # name-clustering only applies to non-homepage pages if ($ClusterEnableNameClustering && !($name == $DefaultName || $name == $group)) { $selfname = $pagename; } else { $selfname = $group; } if ($inlink) { if ($inlink[0] == '|') { return "[[$selfname$inlink]]"; } else { return "[[$selfname$ClusterSeparator$inlink]]"; } } else { return "[[$selfname]]"; } } $levels = strlen($prefix); # type of prefix (not allowed to be mixed) # ^ is up, * is absolute $up = false; if (substr($prefix, 0, 1) == "^") { $up = true; } // name-clustering only applies to non-homepage pages $parts = ClusterHelper_MapName($group, ($ClusterEnableNameClustering && !($name == $DefaultName || $name == $group) ? $name : '')); if ($up) { // count backwards from the end $item = $parts[(count($parts) - 1) - $levels]; } else // absolute { // level = 1, the index = 0 $item = $parts[$levels - 1]; } $link = $item['path']; return "[[$link$inlink]]"; } function ClusterSlice($pagename, $opt) { global $ClusterSeparator, $ClusterBreadCrumbSeparator, $ClusterEnableNameClustering, $ClusterEnableBreadCrumbName, $ClusterEnableTitles, $ClusterEnableSpaces, $AsSpacedFunction, $DefaultName; // // (making this similar to substr) // start: // If start is non-negative, the returned string will start at the // start'th position in cluster, counting from zero. // If start is negative, the returned string will start at the start'th // segment from the end of cluster // length: // If length is given and is positive, the slice returned will contain // at most length segments beginning from start (depending on the // length of cluster). If cluster is less than or equal to start // segments long, empty string will be returned. // If length is given and is negative, then that many segments will // be omitted from the end of the slice (after the start position has // been calculated when a start is negative). If start denotes a // position beyond this truncation, an empty string will be returned. // $defaults = array( 'start' => 0, 'length' => 0, 'separator' => $ClusterBreadCrumbSeparator, 'title' => $ClusterEnableTitles, 'space' => $ClusterEnableSpaces, 'name' => ($ClusterEnableNameClustering ? 'clustered' : ($ClusterEnableBreadCrumbName ? 'simple' : false) ), 'noindex' => $ClusterEnableBreadCrumbName, // return: 'links', 'groups' or 'names' 'return' => 'links', 'pagename' => $pagename, ); $opt = array_merge($defaults, ParseArgs($opt)); $title = $opt['title']; if ($title == 'false') { $title = false; } settype($title, "boolean"); $space = $opt['space']; if ($space == 'false') { $space = false; } settype($space, "boolean"); if ($opt['noindex'] == 'false') { $opt['noindex'] = false; } settype($opt['noindex'], "boolean"); if ($opt['name'] == 'false') { $opt['name'] = false; } $pn = $opt['pagename']; $name = PageVar($pn,'$Name'); $group = PageVar($pn,'$Group'); $parts = ClusterHelper_MapName($group, ($opt['name'] == 'clustered' ? $name : '')); if ($opt['name'] && $opt['name'] != 'clustered') { // simple name; add name to parts $parts[] = array('name' => $name, 'path' => $pn, 'link' => $pn); } // // Remove segments from start and end // # If start is positive, remove that many segments # from the start. # If start is negative, start at the start'th segment # from the end of the string, that is, # start at count + start $start = $opt['start']; if ($start >= count($parts) ) { return ''; } if ($start >= 0) { $trim = $start; } else if ($start < 0) { $trim = count($parts) + $start; } if ($trim > 0) { $index = 0; while ($index < $trim) { array_shift($parts); $index++; } } # If length is positive, show that number of segments $length = $opt['length']; if ($length > 0 && $length < count($parts)) { while (count($parts) > $length) { array_pop($parts); } } # If length is negative, remove that many segments from the end if ($length < 0) { $remove = abs($length); while (count($parts) > 0 && $remove > 0) { array_pop($parts); $remove--; } } # remove the last segment if it is an index page and we don't want one if (count($parts) && $opt['noindex']) { $lastitem = $parts[count($parts) - 1]; if ($lastitem['path'] == "$group.$group" || $lastitem['path'] == "$group.$DefaultName") { array_pop($parts); } } $index = 0; $out = ''; foreach($parts as $item) { // if this isn't the first item, add the separator if ($index != 0) { $out.= $opt['separator']; } $label = ''; if ($title) { $label = ClusterHelper_FetchGroupTitle($item['path']); if (!$label) { $label = $item['name']; } if ($space) { $label = $AsSpacedFunction($label); } } else if ($space) { $label = $AsSpacedFunction($item['name']); } else { $label= $item['name']; } if (preg_match('/links/', $opt['return'])) { if ($index + 1 == count($parts) && preg_match('/labellast/', $opt['return'])) { $out.= "'''" . $label . "'''"; } else { $out.= "[[{$item['link']}|$label]]"; } } elseif ($opt['return'] == 'groups' ) { $out.= $item['path']; } elseif ($opt['return'] == 'names' ) { $out.= $label; } else { return ("Error:ClusterSlice:Unknown return style: ".$opt['return']); } $index++; } return $out; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* * given a group and a name, returns an array of maps between * the "name", "path" and "link" of the groups and pages in this cluster. * For example: * Foo => name=Foo, path=Foo, link=Foo/ * Foo-Bar => name=Foo, path=Foo, link=Foo/; * name=Bar, path=Foo-Bar, link=Foo-Bar/ * Foo-Bar.Baz-Boo => name=Foo, path=Foo, link=Foo/; * name=Bar, path=Foo-Bar, link=Foo-Bar/; * name=Baz, path=Foo-Bar.Baz, link=Foo-Bar.Baz; * name=Boo, path=Foo-Bar.Baz-Boo, link=Foo-Bar.Baz-Boo */ function ClusterHelper_MapName($group, $name='') { global $ClusterSeparator; $groups_orig = explode($ClusterSeparator, $group); $map = array(); $index = 0; foreach($groups_orig as $item) { $path = ''; for ($num = 0; $num <= $index; $num++) { if ( $num != 0) { $path.= $ClusterSeparator; } $path.= $groups_orig[$num]; } $map[] = array('name' => $item, 'path' => $path, 'link' => "$path/"); $index++; } if ($name) { $names_orig = explode($ClusterSeparator, $name); $index = 0; foreach($names_orig as $item) { $path = ''; for ($num = 0; $num <= $index; $num++) { if ( $num != 0) { $path.= $ClusterSeparator; } $path.= $names_orig[$num]; } $map[] = array('name' => $item, 'path' =>$group . '.' . $path, 'link' =>$group . '.' . $path); $index++; } } return $map; } # given a group, find its title if it has one // TODO name-based function ClusterHelper_FetchGroupTitle($group, $fmt = NULL) { global $DefaultName, $GroupTitlePathFmt; if (is_null($fmt)) { SDV($GroupTitlePathFmt, array( '$Group.GroupAttributes', '$Group.GroupHeader', '$Group.GroupFooter', '$Group.$Group', "\$Group.$DefaultName")); $fmt = $GroupTitlePathFmt; } $group_title=null; foreach((array)$fmt as $try) { $pn = FmtPageName($try, "$group.$group"); $page = ReadPage($pn, READPAGE_CURRENT); if ($page['title']) { $group_title = $page['title']; break; } } return $group_title; }