* * AuthUser account self-registration and management * * For more information, please see the online documentation at * http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/UserAdmin * * * This script is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ $RecipeInfo['UserAdmin']['Version'] = '2011-04-08'; SDV($HandleActions[$action], 'HandleUserAdmin'); function HandleUserAdmin($pagename, $auth = 'read') { global $action, $UserAdmin; SDV($UserAdmin->pagename, $pagename); $UserAdmin->action = preg_match('#^user/(.+)$#', $action, $m) ? preg_replace('/\W+/', '', $m[1]) : NULL; $hm = 'Handle'.ucfirst($UserAdmin->action); if (method_exists($UserAdmin, $hm)) $result = $UserAdmin->{$hm}($pagename); else { $UserAdmin->action = NULL; $result = NULL; } $UserAdmin->PrintPage($UserAdmin->pagename, $result); } ######################################################################################################################## ## set defaults SDV($FmtPV['$Username'], '$GLOBALS["UserAdmin"]->Username($pn, $_REQUEST)'); SDV($Conditions['superuser'], '@$GLOBALS["UserAdmin"]->Superuser()'); XLSDV('en', array( 'UA_contact_admin' => 'Please contact site admin', 'UA_diff_userpasswd' => 'New passwords don't match', 'UA_email_fail' => 'Error sending email', 'UA_email_from' => "no-reply@{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}", 'UA_empty_key' => 'Activation key is required', 'UA_empty_useremail' => 'An e-mail address is required', 'UA_empty_username' => 'Username is required', 'UA_empty_useroldpasswd' => 'Current password is required', 'UA_empty_userpasswd' => 'Password is required', 'UA_empty_userpasswd2' => 'Please enter your password twice', 'UA_exists' => 'User already exists', 'UA_fail_unknown_action' => 'Error: unknown user action', 'UA_invalid_useremail' => 'E-mail address is not valid', 'UA_invalid_username' => 'Username is not valid', 'UA_invalid_userpasswd' => 'Password is not valid', 'UA_return_link' => "\\\\\n\n[[ {\$PageUrl}?action=user | $[Return to user actions] ]]", 'UA_title' => 'User account management', 'UA_txt_key' => 'Activation key', 'UA_txt_useremail' => 'E-mail address', 'UA_txt_usergroups' => 'User groups', 'UA_txt_username' => 'Username', 'UA_txt_useroldpasswd' => 'Current password', 'UA_txt_userpasswd' => 'New password', 'UA_txt_userpasswd2' => 'New password, again', 'UA_unauthorized' => 'Not authorized', 'UA_unsupported_user_format' => 'User data can't be edited', 'UA_wrong_passwd' => 'Password not recognized', 'UAedit_fail' => 'Error updating user account', 'UAedit_submit' => 'Submit', 'UAedit_success' => 'User account updated', 'UAedit_success_unchanged' => 'User account not modified', 'UAedit_title' => 'Edit user account', 'UAgroup_fail' => 'Error updating user group', 'UAgroup_submit' => 'Submit', 'UAgroup_success' => 'User group updated', 'UAgroup_success_unchanged' => 'User group not modified', 'UAgroup_title' => 'Edit user group', 'UAnew_email_body' => 'Welcome $username! Thank you for registering at $WikiTitle. To activate your account and confirm your e-mail address, please visit the following location: $link ', 'UAnew_email_subject' => 'Welcome to $WikiTitle', 'UAnew_email_sent' => 'E-mail sent with activation link', 'UAnew_fail' => 'Error creating account', 'UAnew_submit' => 'Sign up', 'UAnew_success' => 'New user account created', 'UAnew_title' => 'Register as a new user', 'UAresetpasswd_email_body' => 'To set a new password for the user $username at $WikiTitle, please visit the following location: $link If you\'ve received this message in error, please contact the site admin at <'.$ScriptUrl.'>. ', 'UAresetpasswd_email_subject' => 'Password reset for $WikiTitle', 'UAresetpasswd_email_empty' => 'User has no e-mail address defined', 'UAresetpasswd_email_nomatch' => 'User and e-mail address do not match', 'UAresetpasswd_fail' => 'Error sending reset link', 'UAresetpasswd_submit' => 'Send reset link to user's e-mail address', 'UAresetpasswd_success' => 'Password reset link sent to user's e-mail address', 'UAresetpasswd_title' => 'Reset password', 'UAunlock_already_active' => 'Account is already active', 'UAunlock_bad_key' => 'Bad activation key', 'UAunlock_fail' => 'Error activating account', 'UAunlock_new_passwd' => 'Enter new password', 'UAunlock_submit' => 'Activate/set password', 'UAunlock_success_activated' => 'User account activated', 'UAunlock_success_set_pw' => 'User password set', 'UAunlock_title' => 'Account activation', )); define('UA_REQ_NOT_EMPTY', 0); define('UA_REQ_ANY', 1); define('UA_REQ_TWICE', 2); ## implies not empty define('UA_REQ_TWICE_ANY', 3); define('UA_REQ_PRESET', 4); ## implies not empty define('UA_REQ_PRESET_ANY', 5); ## return array entries with keys that match the pattern ## ie. exactly like preg_grep but for array keys instead of values if (!function_exists('preg_grep_keys')) { function preg_grep_keys($pattern, $input, $flags = NULL) { $keys = preg_grep($pattern, array_keys($input), $flags); $out = array(); foreach ($keys as $key) $out[$key] = $input[$key]; return $out; }} ######################################################################################################################## ## framework class class UserAdmin { var $confirm_email = TRUE; var $fields = array( 'new' => array( 'username' => UA_REQ_NOT_EMPTY, 'userpasswd' => UA_REQ_TWICE, 'useremail' => UA_REQ_NOT_EMPTY), 'resetpasswd' => array( 'username' => UA_REQ_NOT_EMPTY, 'useremail' => UA_REQ_NOT_EMPTY), 'unlock' => array( 'username' => UA_REQ_PRESET, 'key' => UA_REQ_PRESET), 'newpasswd' => array( 'username' => UA_REQ_PRESET, 'key' => UA_REQ_PRESET, 'userpasswd' => UA_REQ_TWICE), 'edit' => array( 'username' => UA_REQ_PRESET, 'usergroups' => UA_REQ_PRESET_ANY, 'useroldpasswd' => UA_REQ_NOT_EMPTY, 'useremail' => UA_REQ_NOT_EMPTY, 'userpasswd' => UA_REQ_TWICE_ANY), 'group' => array( 'groupname' => UA_REQ_NOT_EMPTY), ); var $action; var $input; var $AuthUserData = array(); // contains all AuthUser contents var $AuthUserAuth = array(); // contains auths (hash or @group) var $Author = 'UserAdmin'; // default author to use on page updates var $pagename; ######################################################################## ## ReadTemplate() ## Utility function to read a template section ## Arguments: ## $pagename - current pagename (NOT the page the templates are read from) ## $section - the part of the section following #ua- and preceeding a ## possible -admin. (i.e., for #ua-email-body you would pass ## "email-body" ## returns the text of the section/template read in function ReadTemplate($pagename, $section) { global $UATemplatePage, $SiteGroup; SDV($UATemplatePage, "$SiteGroup.UserAdminTemplates"); #echo "ReadTemplate(): #ua-{$section}-admin
\n"; if (!empty($UATemplatePage) && PageExists($UATemplatePage)) if (!$this->Superuser($pagename) || !($text = RetrieveAuthSection($UATemplatePage, "#ua-{$section}-admin"))) $text = RetrieveAuthSection($UATemplatePage, "#ua-{$section}"); return $text; } ######################################################################## ## AuthUserPage() ## Utility function to read SiteAdmin.AuthUser page ## returns array('userA' => array(HASH, '@groupA', ...), ## '@groupA' => array('userB', ...), ...) function AuthUserPage($userpat=null, $forceread=false) { global $AuthUserPat, $AuthUserPageFmt; #echo "DEBUG: AuthUserPage(): Entering
\n"; if ($this->AuthUserAuth && !$forceread) return $this->array_match($userpat, $this->AuthUserAuth); SDV($AuthUserPageFmt, '$SiteAdminGroup.AuthUser'); SDV($AuthUserPat, "/^\\s*([@\\w][^\\s:]*):(.*)/m"); // default from authuser.php $pn = FmtPageName($AuthUserPageFmt, ''); $apage = ReadPage($pn, READPAGE_CURRENT); if (!$apage || empty($apage['text']) || !preg_match_all($AuthUserPat, $apage['text'], $this->AuthUserData, PREG_SET_ORDER) ) return array(); $this->AuthUserAuth = array(); foreach($this->AuthUserData as $m) { if (!preg_match_all('/\\bldaps?:\\S+|[^\\s,]+/', $m[2], $tokens)) continue; #echo "DEBUG: m[2]=$m[2], m[3]=$m[3], tokens=

\n"; $this->AuthUserAuth[$m[1]] = empty($this->AuthUserAuth[$m[1]]) ? $tokens[0] : array_merge($this->AuthUserAuth[$m[1]], $tokens[0]); } #echo "DEBUG: AUP: Returning
".print_r($this->array_match($userpat, $this->AuthUserAuth),true)."

\n"; return $this->array_match($userpat, $this->AuthUserAuth); } // array_match() // Utility function to select elements of an array based on an // optional key-pattern applied by MatchPageName() // returns an array with all elements of the array which match keys function array_match($pat, $ary) { #echo "array_match(): incoming ary=

\n"; if ($pat) return array_intersect_key($ary, array_flip(MatchPageNames(array_keys($ary), $pat))); return $ary; } function DelValue(&$page, $name, $value) { if (!preg_match('/^[@\w][^\s:]*$/', $name) || !preg_match('/^[^\s,]+$/', $value)) return FALSE; $page['text'] = preg_replace("/^(\s*$name:)(?:(.*?)[\s,]+)?$value([\s,]|$)/m", '$1$2$3', $page['text'], -1, $count); # Delete any "blank" lines (group-lines with no members, etc.) $page['text'] = preg_replace("/^(\s*$name:)[\s,]*\n/m", '', $page['text']); return $count; } function AddValue(&$page, $name, $value) { if (!preg_match('/^[@\w][^\s:]*$/', $name) || !preg_match('/^[^\s,]+$/', $value)) return FALSE; if (preg_match("/^\s*$name:/m", $page['text'])) { if (preg_match("/^\s*$name:(.*[\s,])?$value([\s,]|$)/m", $page['text'])) { return 0; } else { $page['text'] = preg_replace("/^(\s*$name:.*?)\s*$/m", "$1 $value", $page['text'], 1, $count); return $count; } } else { $page['text'] .= "\n$name: $value"; return 1; } } var $Groups = array(); ############################################################################ ## ReadGroups() ## with username: returns array('@groupA', '@groupB', ...) ## w/o username: returns array('@groupA' => array('userA', 'userB', ...), '@groupB' => ...) function ReadGroups($username=NULL) { if (!$this->Groups) { $this->Groups = $this->AuthUserPage('/^@/'); $auth = $this->AuthUserPage('/^[^@]/'); foreach ($auth as $k => $v) foreach (preg_grep('/^@/', $v) as $g) { $this->Groups[$g][] = $k; } foreach ($this->Groups as $g => $a) $this->Groups[$g] = array_unique($a); ksort($this->Groups); } if ($username) { $ug = array(); foreach ($this->Groups as $g => $a) { if (in_array($username, $a) || in_array('*', $a)) $ug[] = $g; //if (in_array("-$username", $a) } return $ug; } return $this->Groups; } ## returns array('userA', 'userB', ...) function ReadGroup($groupname) { $groups = $this->ReadGroups(); return (array)@$groups[$groupname]; } # $old is an array of the existing groups this user is a member of # $new is an array of the new groups this user will be a member of # return: 2 arrays, one the list of groups that needs to be added # and the 2nd the list of groups that needs to be deleted # list($add, $del) = GroupDiff($old, $new); function GroupDiff($old, $new) { $del = $add = array(); foreach ((array)$old as $o) if (!in_array($o, (array)$new)) $del[] = $o; foreach ((array)$new as $n) if (!in_array($n, (array)$old)) $add[] = $n; return array($add, $del); } ## $add is an array of members to add to group ## $del is an array of members to remove from group function WriteGroup($groupname, $add, $del, $csum='', $auth='read') { global $AuthUserPageFmt, $Now, $EditFunctions, $IsPagePosted; if (!preg_match('/^[@\w][^\s:]*$/', $groupname)) return FALSE; $this->SetAuthor($this->Author); SDV($AuthUserPageFmt, '$SiteAdminGroup.AuthUser'); $pn = FmtPageName($AuthUserPageFmt, ''); Lock(2); $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pn, $auth, TRUE); if (!$page) Abort("?cannot write to $pn"); $new = $page; $del_count = 0; if ($del) foreach ($del as $d) { $del_count += $this->DelValue($new, $d, $groupname); $del_count += $this->DelValue($new, $groupname, $d); } $add_count = 0; if ($add) foreach ($add as $a) { $add_count += $this->AddValue($new, $groupname, $a); } $new['csum'] = str_replace(array('$add', '$del'), array($add_count, $del_count), $csum); if ($csum) $new["csum:$Now"] = $new['csum']; PCache($pn, $new); $k = array_search('SaveAttributes', $EditFunctions); if ($k !== FALSE) unset($EditFunctions[$k]); UpdatePage($pn, $page, $new); Lock(0); return $IsPagePosted; } # SetAuthor() # Set the global $Author. Necessary because config may have # $EnablePostRequireAuthor, resulting in an error if a new user # tries to make any page changes (like creating a new user and writing # that info to their profile or SiteAdmin.AuthUser or etc.). It should # be called before any Write*() function. function SetAuthor($default_author) { global $Author, $AuthorNameChars, $AuthorCookie, $Author; // the code below is modified from scripts/author.php SDV($AuthorCookie, $CookiePrefix.'author'); if (!@$Author) { if (@$_POST['author']) { $x = stripmagic($_POST['author']); } elseif (@$_COOKIE[$AuthorCookie]) { $x = stripmagic(@$_COOKIE[$AuthorCookie]); } elseif (@$AuthId) { $x = @$AuthId; } else { $x = $default_author; } $Author = htmlspecialchars(preg_replace("/[^$AuthorNameChars]/", '', $x), ENT_COMPAT); } } function ListGroups($pat=NULL) { return MatchPageNames(array_keys($this->ReadGroups()), $pat); } function AdminGroup($groupname) { return preg_match('/_admin$/', $groupname) ? $groupname : "{$groupname}_admin"; } ############################################################################ ## users function ReadUser($username, $readgroup=false) { if (!($auth = $this->AuthUserPage($username))) return array(); $data = array('username' => $username); foreach ($auth[$username] as $v) if ($v[0] == '$') $data['userpwhash'] = $v; if ($readgroup) $data['usergroups'] = $this->ReadGroups($username); return $data; } # NOTE: This function MUST be over-ridden in the extending class. However, # if your user info is stored on a page then make sure $this->SetAuthor() # is called. (parent::WriteUser(...) is probably the easiest way and provides # for future extensions...) function WriteUser($username, $data, $csum='', $auth='read') { $this->SetAuthor($this->Author); if (get_class($this) == 'UserAdmin') exit('UserAdmin::WriteUser not implemented'); // extended class must override } function Exists($username) { return (boolean)$this->ReadUser($username); } function ListUsers($pat=NULL) { global $AuthUserFunctions; $pat = (array)$pat; $x = array('htpasswd' => 1, 'htgroup' => 1, 'ldap' => 1, 'userprofilegroup' => 1) + (array)@$AuthUserFunctions; array_push($pat, '!^('.implode('|', array_keys($x)).')$!'); $ls = preg_grep('/^\w/', array_keys($this->AuthUserPage())); return MatchPageNames($ls, $pat); } ############################################################################ ## utility functions function MailUser($username, $fmt, $opt = array()) { global $WikiTitle; if ($username) $opt = array_merge($this->ReadUser($username), $opt); if (empty($opt['useremail'])) return FALSE; $fmt = array_merge(array('to' => '$useremail', 'head' => 'From: '.XL('UA_email_from')), $fmt); $opt = array_merge($opt, array('WikiTitle'=>$WikiTitle)); $msg = array(); foreach ($fmt as $fk => $f) { foreach($opt as $k => $v) $f = preg_replace("/\\$$k\b`?/", $v, $f); $msg[$fk] = $f; } $msg['body'] = preg_replace('/^\t+/m', '', $msg['body']); ## allow pretty XLSDV with indentation //exit(pre_r($msg)); return mail($msg['to'], @$msg['subject'], @$msg['body'], $msg['head']); } function MakeActivationKey() { return strval(mt_rand() + 1); } function MakeUserLink($username, $useraction = '', $opt = array()) { global $PageUrl; $action = $useraction ? 'user/'.urlencode($useraction) : 'user'; $url = FmtPagename('$PageUrl', $this->pagename); $url .= "?action=$action&username=".urlencode($username); foreach ($opt as $k => $v) $url .= '&'.urlencode($k).'='.urlencode($v); return $url; } ############################################################################ ## authentication ## return TRUE for authenticated user with admin rights function Superuser($pagename, $prompt=FALSE) { return (boolean)RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, 'admin', $prompt, READPAGE_CURRENT); } function Username($pagename, $opt) { global $AuthId; $n = @$opt['username'] or !$this->Superuser($pagename) and $n = @$AuthId; if (!$n) return FALSE; if (method_exists($this, 'ValidName') && !$this->ValidName($n)) return FALSE; if (!$this->Exists($n)) return FALSE; return $n; } function AuthorizedUser($pagename, $username, $auth='edit', $prompt=FALSE) { global $AuthId; return ($username && ($AuthId == $username)) || $this->Superuser($pagename, $prompt); } function AuthorizedGroup($pagename, $groupname, $auth='edit', $prompt=FALSE) { global $AuthId, $AuthList; if ($groupname[0] != '@') return FALSE; return !empty($AuthList[$this->AdminGroup($groupname)]) || $this->Superuser($pagename, $prompt); } ############################################################################ ## input processing ## returns TRUE if form has been posted function ReadInput($pagename, $valid_username=TRUE) { if (preg_grep('/^cancel/', array_keys($_POST))) Redirect($pagename, '$PageUrl?action=user'); $this->input = array_merge($_GET, $_POST); if ($valid_username) $this->input['username'] = $this->Username($pagename, $_REQUEST); return (boolean)preg_grep('/^post/', array_keys($_POST)); } function ValidEmail(&$address) { return !$address || preg_match('/^.+@.+\..+$/', $address); } function ValidateInput($fmt = '') { if (!$fmt) $fmt = $this->action; if (empty($this->fields[$fmt])) return 'UA_fail_unknown_action'; $result = array(); foreach ($this->fields[$fmt] as $k => $req) { $this->input[$k] = stripmagic($this->input[$k]); if (!($req & UA_REQ_ANY) && empty($this->input[$k])) { $result[$k] = "UA_empty_$k"; continue; } if (($req & UA_REQ_TWICE) && (stripmagic(@$this->input["{$k}2"]) != $this->input[$k])) { $result[$k] = "UA_diff_$k"; continue; } $vm = preg_replace('/^user(.+)$/e', "'Valid'.ucfirst('$1')", $k); if (method_exists($this, $vm) && !$this->{$vm}($this->input[$k])) { $result[$k] = "UA_invalid_$k"; continue; } } return $result; } #################################################################################################################### ## action handlers function HandleNew($pagename) { if (!$this->ReadInput($pagename, FALSE)) return NULL; $result = $this->ValidateInput(); $username = $this->input['username']; if ($this->Exists($username)) $result['username'] = 'UA_exists'; if ($result) return $result; $hash = crypt($this->input['userpasswd']); if ($this->confirm_email && !$this->Superuser($pagename)) { $key = $this->MakeActivationKey(); $link = $this->MakeUserLink($username, 'unlock', array('key' => $key)); //$link = $this->MakeActivationLink($username, $key); #echo "DEBUG: Hello, calling ReadTemplate()
\n"; if (!($body = $this->ReadTemplate($pagename, "new-email-body"))) $body = XL('UAnew_email_body'); $mail_fmt = array( 'subject' => XL('UAnew_email_subject'), 'body' => $body ); $mail_opt = array( 'username' => $username, 'useremail' => $this->input['useremail'], 'key' => $key, 'link' => $link ); #echo "DEBUG: mail_fmt=

\n"; #echo "DEBUG: mail_opt=

\n"; if (!$this->MailUser('', $mail_fmt, $mail_opt)) return array('UA_email_fail', 'UA_contact_admin'); $success = array('UAnew_success', 'UAnew_email_sent'); $data = array( 'useremail' => $this->input['useremail'], 'username' => $username, 'userkey' => "$key $hash", 'userkeyreason' => 'new', 'userkeytime' => time() ); } else { $success = 'UAnew_success'; $data = array( 'userpwhash' => $hash, 'useremail' => @$this->input['useremail'], 'username' => $username, ); } $this->AppendCustomFields($data, array(), $this->input, array_flip(array('username', 'useremail', 'userpwhash', 'userkey', 'userpasswd', 'userpasswd2'))); #$data = array_diff_key($data, array_flip(array())); $fail = array('UAnew_fail', 'UA_contact_admin'); return $this->WriteUser($username, $data, implode('; ', array_map('XL', (array)$success))) ? $success : $fail; } function AppendCustomFields(&$data, $user, $input, $normal_fields) { $custom_fields = array_diff_key(preg_grep_keys("/^user/", $input), $normal_fields); #echo "preg_grep_keys(input)=
".print_r(preg_grep_keys("/^user/", $input),true)."

\n"; #echo "normal_fields=

\n"; #echo "custom_fields=

\n"; #echo "pre-data=

\n"; #echo "TEST: Must test this AppendCustomFields() function now that I'm not checking for if (!isset($user[$f]) || $v !== $user[$f]) (it's commented out below)
\n"; foreach ((array)$custom_fields as $f => $v) #if (!isset($user[$f]) || $v !== $user[$f]) $data[$f] = $v; #echo "post-data=

\n"; } function HandleResetpasswd($pagename) { $posted = $this->ReadInput($pagename); $username = $this->input['username']; if ($this->Superuser($username)) unset($this->fields['resetpasswd']['useremail']); if (!$posted) return NULL; $result = $this->ValidateInput(); echo "DEBUG: result=

\n"; if ($result) return $result; $user = $this->ReadUser($username); if (!$user) return array('UAresetpasswd_fail', 'UA_invalid_username'); if (empty($user['useremail'])) return array('UAresetpasswd_fail', 'UAresetpasswd_email_empty', 'UA_contact_admin'); if ($user['useremail'] != $this->input['useremail']) return array('UAresetpasswd_fail', 'UAresetpasswd_email_nomatch', 'UA_contact_admin'); $key = $this->MakeActivationKey(); $link = $this->MakeUserLink($username, 'unlock', array('key' => $key)); //$link = $this->MakeActivationLink($username, $key); if (!($body = $this->ReadTemplate($pagename, "resetpasswd-email-body"))) $body = XL('UAresetpasswd_email_body'); $mail_fmt = array( 'subject' => XL('UAresetpasswd_email_subject'), 'body' => $body ); $mail_opt = array( 'key' => $key, 'link' => $link ); if (!$this->MailUser($username, $mail_fmt, $mail_opt)) return array('UA_email_fail', 'UA_contact_admin'); $data = array( 'userkey' => $key, 'userkeyreason' => 'resetpasswd', 'userkeytime' => time() ); return $this->WriteUser($username, $data, XL('UAresetpasswd_success')) ? 'UAresetpasswd_success' : array('UAresetpasswd_fail', 'UA_contact_admin'); } ## handles e-mail address verification and password resets function HandleUnlock($pagename) { $posted = $this->ReadInput($pagename); #echo "Checking input[username]:

\n"; if (empty($this->input['username'])) return NULL; #echo "GOT HERE
\n"; $user = $this->ReadUser($this->input['username']); if (!$user) return array('UAunlock_fail', 'UA_invalid_username'); if (empty($user['userkey'])) return array('UAunlock_fail', 'UAunlock_already_active'); $result = $this->ValidateInput(); if ($result) return $result; $key = preg_replace('/[^0-9]+/', '', $this->input['key']); if (!preg_match("/^$key( .*)?$/", $user['userkey'], $match)) return array('UAunlock_fail', 'UAunlock_bad_key'); $hash = trim($match[1]); if (!$hash) { $this->fields['unlock'] = $this->fields['newpasswd']; if (!$posted) return NULL; $result = $this->ValidateInput('newpasswd'); if ($result) return $result; $hash = crypt($this->input['userpasswd']); $reset = TRUE; } else $reset = FALSE; $result = $reset ? 'UAunlock_success_set_pw' : 'UAunlock_success_activated'; $data = array( 'userpwhash' => $hash, 'userkey' => '', 'userkeyreason' => '', 'userkeytime' => '' ); return $this->WriteUser($this->input['username'], $data, XL($result)) ? $result : array('UAnew_fail', 'UA_contact_admin'); } function HandleEdit($pagename) { global $InputValues; $posted = $this->ReadInput($pagename); unset($this->input['usergroups']); $username = $this->input['username']; if (empty($username)) { $this->fields[$this->action] = array('username' => UA_REQ_NOT_EMPTY); return NULL; // results in a list of users to choose from } #echo "DEBUG: A
\n"; if (!$this->AuthorizedUser($pagename, $username, 'edit', TRUE)) return array('UAedit_fail', 'UA_unauthorized'); $admin = $this->Superuser($pagename); if ($admin) unset($this->fields[$this->action]['useroldpasswd']); $user = $this->ReadUser($username); if (!$user) return array( 'UAedit_fail', $this->Exists($username) ? 'UA_unsupported_user_format' : 'UA_invalid_username' ); $ef = preg_grep('/passwd|^username$/', array_keys($this->fields[$this->action]), PREG_GREP_INVERT); $posted = FALSE; #echo "DEBUG: B
\n"; foreach ($ef as $f) { if (isset($this->input[$f])) $posted = TRUE; else $this->input[$f] = @$user[$f]; } #echo "DEBUG: C
\n"; if (!isset($InputValues)) $InputValues = array(); #echo "InputValues=

\n"; $this->AppendCustomFields($InputValues, $user, $user, $this->fields[$this->action]); if (!$posted) return NULL; $result = $this->ValidateInput(); if ($result) return $result; if (!$admin && (_crypt($this->input['useroldpasswd'], $user['userpwhash']) != $user['userpwhash'])) return 'UA_wrong_passwd'; $data = array(); foreach ($this->fields[$this->action] as $f => $req) { if (($req & UA_REQ_PRESET) || preg_match('/passwd/', $f)) continue; if (@$this->input[$f] === @$user[$f]) continue; $data[$f] = @$this->input[$f]; } if (!empty($this->input['userpasswd'])) $data['userpwhash'] = crypt($this->input['userpasswd']); $this->AppendCustomFields($data, $user, $this->input, array_flip(array('username', 'usergroups', 'useremail', 'userpwhash', 'userkey', 'userpasswd', 'userpasswd2', 'useroldpasswd'))); if (!$data) return 'UAedit_success_unchanged'; return $this->WriteUser($user['username'], $data, XL('UAedit_success')) ? 'UAedit_success' : array('UAedit_fail', 'UA_contact_admin'); } function HandleGroup($pagename) { global $UserAdminFmt; $posted = $this->ReadInput($pagename, FALSE); $fields = &$this->fields[$this->action]; if (empty($this->input['gn'])) { $fields = array('groupname' => UA_REQ_NOT_EMPTY); return NULL; } else $groupname = $this->input['gn']; if (!$this->AuthorizedGroup($pagename, $groupname, 'edit', TRUE)) return array('UAgroup_fail', 'UA_unauthorized'); $groupmembers = $this->ReadGroup($groupname); $allusers = $this->ListUsers(); $UserAdminFmt = "[++$[Group:] $groupname++]\n\n"; $UserAdminFmt .= '$[Current group members:]'; $UserAdminFmt .= "\n(:input form action='\$PageUrl?action=user/{$this->action}&gn=$groupname' class='uag-users':)"; foreach ($allusers as $n) { if ($posted) $checked = !empty($this->input['select']) && in_array($n, $this->input['select']) ? ' checked' : ''; else $checked = !empty($groupmembers) && in_array($n, $groupmembers) ? ' checked' : ''; if (preg_match('/^\w/', $n) && $this->Exists($n)) { $url = $this->MakeUserLink($n, 'edit'); $txt = "[[$url|$n]]"; } else $txt = $n; $UserAdminFmt .= "\n* (:input checkbox name='select[]' value='$n' $checked:) $txt"; } $UserAdminFmt .= "\n(:input submit name=postupdate value='$[Update Group Membership]':)\n(:input end:)"; #$UserAdminFmt .= "\n\n$[Add new group members (each on a separate line):]"; $UserAdminFmt .= "\n(:input form action='\$PageUrl?action=user/{$this->action}&gn=$groupname' class='uag-new':)"; #$UserAdminFmt .= "\n(:input textarea name=new rows=8 cols=30:)"; #$UserAdminFmt .= "\n(:input submit name=postadd value='$[Add new members]':)\n(:input end:)"; $UserAdminFmt .= "\n(:input end:)"; #$UserAdminFmt .= "\n\n".Keep(pre_r($this->input)); #return NULL; #echo "Shall we post?
\n"; if ($posted) { list($add, $del) = $this->GroupDiff($groupmembers, $this->input['select']); #echo "DEBUG: del=

, add=

\n"; return $this->WriteGroup($groupname, $add, $del, '', 'edit'); } #echo "Apparently not...
\n"; //$this->WriteGroup('@obix', array(), array('EA3'), 'WriteGroup test: +$add/-$del'); } ############################################################################ ## display page function Menu($pagename) { global $AuthId, $UserAdminAnonActions; SDV($UserAdminAnonActions, array('new', 'resetpasswd', 'unlock')); echo "DEBUG: UserAdminAnonActions=

\n"; $actions = preg_replace( '/^Handle(.)/e', "strtolower('$1')", preg_grep('/^Handle/', get_class_methods($this)) ); $username = $this->Username($pagename, $_REQUEST); echo "DEBUG: A actions=

\n"; if ($this->AuthorizedUser($pagename, $username, 'edit') && !$this->Superuser($pagename)) { echo "DEBUG: a.1
\n"; $actions = array_diff($actions, $UserAdminAnonActions); } else if (empty($AuthId)) { echo "DEBUG: a.2
\n"; $actions = array_intersect($actions, $UserAdminAnonActions); } echo "DEBUG: C actions=

\n"; $out = "\n!!! Available actions\n"; foreach($actions as $a) $out .= "* [[ {\$PageUrl}?action=user/$a | $[UA{$a}_title] ]]\n"; if (empty($AuthId)) $out .= "* [[ {\$PageUrl}?action=user/edit | $[Login to edit your account details] ]]\n"; return $out; } function Form($pagename, $result) { global $InputValues, $UserAdminFmt; if (empty($this->fields[$this->action])) return ''; $f = $this->fields[$this->action]; if (count($f) == 1) switch (key($f)) { case 'username': if (!$this->Superuser($pagename, true)) return ''; $list = '$[Please select a user:]'; foreach ($this->ListUsers() as $n) { $url = $this->MakeUserLink($n, $this->action); $list .= "\n* [[$url|$n]]"; } return $list; case 'groupname': if (!$this->Superuser($pagename, true)) return ''; $list = '$[Please select a group:]'; $url = $this->MakeUserLink('', 'group'); foreach ($this->ListGroups() as $n) { $list .= "\n* [[$url&gn=$n|$n]]"; } $list .= "\n\n$[Or enter a name for a new group:]\\\\\n"; $list .= "(:input form name=newgroup method=GET:)New Group: (:input text gn:)(:input hidden name=action value='user/group':)(:input submit add '$[Add Group]':)(:input form end:)\n\n"; return $list; } if ($UserAdminFmt) return $UserAdminFmt; #$form = "(:title $[UA{$this->action}_title]:)"; $form .= "(:input form action='\$PageUrl?action=user/{$this->action}':)"; $form .= "\n(:table class=ua-form:)"; foreach ($f as $k => $req) { $highlight = isset($result[$k]) ? ' class=ua-error' : ''; $form .= "\n(:cellnr$highlight:)$[UA_txt_$k]\n(:cell$highlight:)"; ## note: autocomplete is not included by default in $InputAttrs, so setting it won't do anything $type = (strpos($k, 'passwd') !== FALSE) ? 'password autocomplete=off' : 'text'; $req_note = !($req & UA_REQ_ANY); if ($req & UA_REQ_PRESET) { if (!($req_note && empty($InputValues[$k]))) { $req_note = FALSE; $form .= "'''{$InputValues[$k]}'''"; $type = 'hidden'; } } #if (($k == 'username') && ($type == 'text') && ($this->action != 'new')) $type = 'select'; $form .= "(:input $type name='$k':)"; if ($req_note) $form .= ' *'; if ($req & UA_REQ_TWICE) { $form .= "\n(:cellnr$highlight:)$[UA_txt_{$k}2]\n(:cell$highlight:)(:input $type name='{$k}2':)"; if ($req_note) $form .= ' *'; } } $form .= "\n(:cellnr:)\n(:cell:)(:input submit name=post value='$[UA{$this->action}_submit]':) (:input submit name=cancel value='$[Cancel]':)"; $form .= "\n(:tableend:)\n(:input end:)"; #echo "DEBUG: form=$form
\n"; return $form; } function FormExpand($markup) { if (!preg_match('/^\(:input select\b(.*?):\)$/', $markup, $match)) return preg_replace('/\(:input select\b.*?:\)/e', "\$this->FormExpand('$0')", $markup); $opt = ParseArgs($match[1]); if (empty($opt['name'])) { if (empty($opt[''])) return $markup; else $opt['name'] = $opt[''][0]; } switch($opt['name']) { case 'username': //$out = "(:input select name='username' value='' '':)"; //foreach ($this->ListUsers(NULL, TRUE) as $n) $out .= "\n(:input select name='username' value='$n' '$n':)"; foreach ($this->ListUsers(NULL, TRUE) as $n) { $url = $this->MakeUserLink($n, 'edit'); $out .= "\n* [[$url|$n]]"; } return $out; default: return $markup; } } function PrintPage($pagename, $result) { global $MessagesFmt, $SiteGroup, $InputValues, $PageStartFmt, $PageEndFmt, $UATemplatePage, $UserAdminFmt, $HandleUserAdminFmt; //$ls = array($this->ListGroups('@a*'), $this->ListUsers('/^[a-z]/', TRUE)); //exit(pre_r($ls)); //echo "DEBUG: PrintPage(): result=

\n"; $status = preg_match('/(\b|_)(fail|success)(\b|_)/', implode(' ', (array)$result), $m) ? " ua-{$m[2]}" : ''; if ($result) $MessagesFmt[] = "

\n$[", (array)$result).']

'; foreach((array)$this->input as $k => $v) if (!is_array($v) && (strpos($k, 'passwd') === FALSE)) $InputValues[$k] = htmlspecialchars($v, ENT_QUOTES); if (empty($UserAdminFmt)) { if (!$this->action || $status) $UserAdminFmt = $this->Menu($pagename); else { #echo "SiteGroup=$SiteGroup
\n"; #echo "action=$this->action
\n"; $UserAdminFmt = $this->ReadTemplate($pagename, $this->action); $UserAdminFmt = $this->Form($pagename, $result); // uses $UserAdminFmt as a global; possibly replaced with user- or group-menu $UserAdminFmt .= '$[UA_return_link]'; } $UserAdminFmt = $this->FormExpand($UserAdminFmt); } $UserAdminFmt = MarkupToHTML($pagename, "(:messages:)\n\n$UserAdminFmt"); $title = XL("UA{$this->action}_title"); $username = $this->Username($pagename, $_REQUEST); if ($username && ($this->action != 'new')) $title .= ": $username"; PCache($pagename, array('title' => $title)); SDV($HandleUserAdminFmt, array(&$PageStartFmt, &$UserAdminFmt, &$PageEndFmt)); PrintFmt($pagename, $HandleUserAdminFmt); } }