{$var}', '/\\(:thumb(list)?\\s*(.*?):\\)/ei', "FmtThumbList(\$pagename,PSS('$2'),'$1')"); function FmtThumbList($pagename, $args, $list='') { global $UploadDir, $UploadPrefixFmt, $UploadUrlFmt, $AlwaysRedoThumbs, $ThumbTableCols,$ThumbBgColor, $TimeFmt, $EnableDirectDownload, $ThumbPx, $ThumbTitleFormat, $ThumbLimit, $AlwaysLinkOriginal, $ThumbListUseTmpl; static $ThumbGalNum = 0; $ThumbGalNum++; $opt = ParseArgs($args); $currentpage = $pagename = MakePageName($pagename, $pagename); if($list)//usual "thumblist" { if (@$opt[''][0]) $pagename = MakePageName($pagename, $opt[''][0]); } else// "thumb" was used { if (! @$opt[''][0]) return; if(preg_match("!^(.*)\\/([^\\/]+)$!", $opt[''][0], $m) ) { $pagename = MakePageName($pagename, $m[1]); $opt['image'] = $m[2]; } else { $opt['image'] = $opt[''][0]; } $opt['cols'] = 0; } $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename,"read"); if (!$page) { return; } if(!$_POST['preview'] && !$AlwaysRedoThumbs && intval(@$opt['supercache'])) { $output = ThumbGetCache($currentpage, $pagename, $ThumbGalNum); if($output) return '<:block>'. Keep($output); } if (@$opt['ext']) $matchext = '/\\.(' . implode('|', preg_split('/\\W+/', $opt['ext'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)) . ')$/i'; if (@$opt['prefix']) $prefixmatch = '/^' . preg_quote($opt['prefix']) . '/'; if (@$opt['skip']) $skipmatch = '/^' . str_replace(array("\\*", "\\?"), array(".*", "."), preg_quote($opt['skip'])) . '$/i'; $titlefmt =(@$opt['titlefmt'])? $opt['titlefmt'] : $ThumbTitleFormat; if (@$opt['px'] && intval($opt['px']) > 10 ) $Px = intval($opt['px']); else $Px = $ThumbPx; $atarget = (@$opt['target'])? ' target="'.htmlspecialchars($opt['target']).'"' : ''; $usetpl = isset($opt['usetemplate'])?$opt['usetemplate'] : $ThumbListUseTmpl; $thumbcols = isset($opt['cols'])? intval($opt['cols']) : $ThumbTableCols; $caption = @$opt['caption']; $start = intval(@$opt['start']); if(!$start)$start = 1; $limit = isset($opt['limit'])? intval(@$opt['limit']) : $ThumbLimit; $tableattributes = array("border", "cellpadding", "cellspacing", "rules", "style", "bgcolor", "align"); $mytabattr = ""; foreach($tableattributes as $k) { if(isset($opt[$k])) $mytabattr .= " $k=\"".htmlspecialchars($opt[$k])."\""; } $mybgcolor = preg_match("/^#[0-9a-f]{6}$/i", @$opt['bgcolor'])? $opt['bgcolor'] : $ThumbBgColor; $uploaddir = FmtPageName("$UploadDir$UploadPrefixFmt", $pagename); $uploadurl = FmtPageName(IsEnabled($EnableDirectDownload, 1) ? "$UploadUrlFmt$UploadPrefixFmt/" : "\$PageUrl?action=download&upname=", $pagename); $dirp = @opendir($uploaddir); if (!$dirp) return ''; $filelist = array(); while (($file=readdir($dirp)) !== false) { if ($file{0} == '.') continue; if (@$opt['image'] && $file != $opt['image']) continue; if (preg_match("/,\\d+$/", $file)) continue; if (preg_match("/^th\\d+---/", $file)) continue; if (@$skipmatch && preg_match(@$skipmatch, $file)) continue; if (@$matchext && !preg_match(@$matchext, $file)) continue; if (@$prefixmatch && !preg_match($prefixmatch, $file)) continue; $filelist[$file] = $file; } closedir($dirp); if(!count($filelist) ) return; natcasesort($filelist);$filelist=array_values($filelist); if($thumbcols) { $Px4 = $Px+4; $outputstart = ""; if($caption)$outputstart .= ""; $td1 = "\n"; } else {$td1 = " "; $td2 = '';} $td=0; $i=1; $output = ''; foreach($filelist as $x=>$file) { $filepath = "$uploaddir/$file"; $info = @getimagesize($filepath); if(! $info) continue; if($start>1 && $i<$start) { $i++; continue; } if($limit>0 && $i>=$limit+$start) { break; } $stat = stat($filepath); $replArr = array( "%%" => "%", "%f" => $file, "%w" => $info[0], "%h" => $info[1], "%b" => $stat['size'], "%k" => round($stat['size']/1024), "%t" => strftime($TimeFmt, $stat['mtime']) ); $title = htmlspecialchars(strtr($titlefmt, $replArr)); $name = PUE("$uploadurl$file"); if($thumbcols && $td%$thumbcols == 0)$output .= "\n"; if($thumbcols && $info[0] > $info[1]) // w > h { $imgh = round($Px * $info[1] / $info[0]); $imgw = $Px; } else { $imgh = $Px; $imgw = round($Px * $info[0] / $info[1]);} if($imgh>=$info[1] || $AlwaysRedoThumbs==-1)// the picture is not bigger than the thumb, display it { if($imgh>=$info[1])list($imgw, $imgh)= $info; $thumbname = $name; } else { $thumbprefix = "th$imgh---".substr($mybgcolor, 1). "--"; $thumbpath = "$uploaddir/$thumbprefix$file.jpg"; $thumbname = PUE("$uploadurl$thumbprefix$file.jpg"); if($AlwaysRedoThumbs || !file_exists($thumbpath) || filemtime($thumbpath)<$stat['mtime'] ) { CreateThumb($filepath, $thumbpath, $imgh, $info, $mybgcolor); } } if($usetpl)$name = FmtPageName("\$PageUrl?action=imgtpl&updir=$pagename&upname=$file", $currentpage); if($AlwaysLinkOriginal || $thumbname != $name || $AlwaysRedoThumbs==-1) { $a1 = ""; $a2 = ""; } else {$a1=$a2="";} $output .= "$td1$a1$thumbname$a2$td2"; if($thumbcols && $td%$thumbcols == $thumbcols-1)$output .= "\n"; $i++;$td++; } if($td%$thumbcols) $output .= "\n"; if($thumbcols && $output) { $output = "$outputstart$output\n
"; $td2 = "
\n"; } if(!$_POST['preview'] && !$AlwaysRedoThumbs && intval(@$opt['supercache'])) ThumbSetCache($currentpage, $pagename, $ThumbGalNum, $output); return '<:block>'. Keep($output); } function CreateThumb($filepath, $thumbpath, $nh, $info, $bgc="#ffffff") { global $ThumbQuality; $rr = hexdec(substr($bgc, 1, 2) ); $gg = hexdec(substr($bgc, 3, 2) ); $bb = hexdec(substr($bgc, 5, 2) ); list($imgw, $imgh, $t) = $info; switch ($t) { case 1: $img = @imagecreatefromgif($filepath); break; case 2: $img = @imagecreatefromjpeg($filepath); break; case 3: $img = @imagecreatefrompng($filepath); break; } if (!@$img) {return;} $nw = round($imgw * $nh / $imgh); $nimg = imagecreatetruecolor($nw,$nh); $back = imagecolorallocate($nimg, $rr, $gg, $bb); imagefill($nimg, 0, 0, $back); imagecopyresampled($nimg,$img,0,0,0,0,$nw,$nh,$imgw,$imgh); imagejpeg($nimg,$thumbpath,$ThumbQuality); imagedestroy($nimg); imagedestroy($img); } function PurgeThumbnails($pagename) { global $UploadDir, $UploadPrefixFmt; $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename,"edit"); if (!$page) { Abort("?Not enough permissions to purge all thumbs for $UploadPrefixFmt"); return; } $uploaddir = FmtPageName("$UploadDir$UploadPrefixFmt", $pagename); if ($dirp = @opendir($uploaddir)) { while (($file=readdir($dirp)) !== false) { if (!preg_match("/^(th\\d+---|\\.thumblist\\.)/", $file)) continue; unlink("$uploaddir/$file"); } closedir($dirp); } redirect($pagename); } function ThumbGetCache($currentpage, $uploadpage, $n) { global $UploadDir, $UploadPrefixFmt, $PCache, $MessagesFmt; $ptime = $PCache[$currentpage]['time']; $cachefile = FmtPageName("$UploadDir$UploadPrefixFmt/.thumblist.$currentpage.$n.cache", $uploadpage); if(file_exists($cachefile) && filemtime($cachefile) >= $ptime) { if($handle = @fopen($cachefile, "r")) { $contents = @fread($handle, filesize($cachefile)); fclose($handle); } $MessagesFmt[] = "Got cache for $currentpage, gallery $n
\n"; return @$contents; } else return ""; } function ThumbSetCache($currentpage, $uploadpage, $n, $html) { global $UploadDir, $UploadPrefixFmt, $MessagesFmt; $MessagesFmt[] = "Caching gallery $n for $currentpage
\n"; $cachefile = FmtPageName("$UploadDir$UploadPrefixFmt/.thumblist.$currentpage.$n.cache", $uploadpage); if ($handle = fopen($cachefile, 'w+')) { @fwrite($handle, $html); fclose($handle); } } ## based on Hagan Fox's "HandleImageLink" from thumblink.php function HandleImageTemplate($pagename) { global $FmtV, $FmtPV, $ImageTemplateFmt, $PageStartFmt, $PageEndFmt, $HandleImageTplFmt; SDV($HandleImageTplFmt,array(&$PageStartFmt, '$PageText', &$PageEndFmt)); PCache($pagename, RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, 'read')); $FmtPV['$UpFile'] = "'".htmlspecialchars(@$_REQUEST['upname'], ENT_QUOTES)."'"; $FmtPV['$UpDir'] = "'".htmlspecialchars(@$_REQUEST['updir'], ENT_QUOTES)."'"; $FmtPV['$UpDirUpFile'] = "'".htmlspecialchars(@$_REQUEST['updir'].'/'.@$_REQUEST['upname'], ENT_QUOTES)."'"; $FmtV['$PageText'] = MarkupToHTML($pagename,$ImageTemplateFmt); if(!trim($FmtV['$PageText']))$FmtV['$PageText'] = MarkupToHTML($pagename,"[[$pagename| $[Back to gallery] ]]\\\\\nAttach:{\$UpDirUpFile}"); PrintFmt($pagename, $HandleImageTplFmt); }