$line_range) { if (preg_match("/([0-9]+)[-–]([0-9]+)/", $line_range, $m)) { $line_numbers = array_merge($line_numbers, range(--$m[1],--$m[2])); } else if (preg_match("/([0-9]+)[-–]$/", $line_range, $m)) { $line_numbers[] = $to_end_from = --$m[1]; } else { $line_numbers[] = --$line_range; } } ## Same thing, but for highlighted line ranges. $hl_line_ranges = $parsed['hl'] ? explode(',', $parsed['hl']) : array(); $hl_line_numbers = array(); $hl_to_end_from = -1; foreach ($hl_line_ranges as $key => $hl_line_range) { if (preg_match("/([0-9]+)[-–]([0-9]+)/", $hl_line_range, $m)) { $hl_line_numbers = array_merge($hl_line_numbers, range(--$m[1],--$m[2])); } else if (preg_match("/([0-9]+)[-–]$/", $hl_line_range, $m)) { $hl_line_numbers[] = $hl_to_end_from = --$m[1]; } else { $hl_line_numbers[] = --$hl_line_range; } } $embed_js_url = "https://pastebin.com/embed_js/$paste_id"; $embed_iframe_url = "https://pastebin.com/embed_iframe/$paste_id"; $embed_raw_url = "https://pastebin.com/raw/$paste_id"; $out = "Unknown error."; ## There are three 'modes': raw (retrieve just the text, client-side, and insert it ## into the page), no-js (retrieve the HTML, server-side, and insert it into the ## page), and default (i.e., JS-based - insert the scriptlet, and let it retrieve and ## insert the HTML into the page, client-side & async). ## The mode is set by arguments to the (:pastebin-embed:) markup: ## - if neither the 'raw' nor the 'no-js' option is given, default (JS) mode is used ## - if the 'raw' option is given, raw mode is used ## - if the 'no-js' option is given, no-js mode is used if ($raw) { $raw_text = file_get_contents($embed_raw_url); if (!$raw_text) return Keep("Could not retrieve paste!"); $raw_lines = explode("\n", $raw_text); ## Convert HTML entities. if (!$noPre) { foreach ($raw_lines as $line) $line = PVSE($line); } ## Highlighting only works if no-pre is NOT enabled. if (!empty($hl_line_numbers) && !$noPre) { if ($hl_to_end_from >= 0) $hl_line_numbers = array_merge($hl_line_numbers, range($hl_to_end_from, count($raw_lines) - 1)); foreach ($hl_line_numbers as $l) { $raw_lines[$l] = "" . rtrim($raw_lines[$l]) . ""; } } ## Filter by line number ranges, if specified. if (!empty($line_numbers)) { if ($to_end_from >= 0) $line_numbers = array_merge($line_numbers, range($to_end_from, count($raw_lines) - 1)); $raw_lines = array_intersect_key($raw_lines, array_flip($line_numbers)); } $raw_text = implode("\n", $raw_lines); ## The 'no-pre' option means we shouldn't wrap the text in a
		$out = $noPre ? $raw_text : Keep("
\n" . $raw_text . "\n
\n"); } else if ($noJS) { include_once('simple_html_dom.php'); $content_html = file_get_html($embed_iframe_url); if (!$content_html) return Keep("Could not retrieve paste!"); $content = $content_html->find(".embedPastebin", 0); $content->id = "pastebinEmbed_$id"; $styles_html = file_get_html($embed_js_url); if (!$styles_html) return Keep("Could not retrieve styles!"); $styles = $styles_html->find("style", 0); ## Filter specified line ranges (if any have been specified via the lines= ## parameter). if (!empty($line_numbers)) { $lines = $content_html->find(".embedPastebin > ol > li"); if ($to_end_from >= 0) $line_numbers = array_merge($line_numbers, range($to_end_from, count($lines) - 1)); foreach ($lines as $i => $line) { if (!in_array($i, $line_numbers)) $line->outertext = ''; else $line->value = ++$i; } } ## Highlight specified line ranges (if any have been specified via the hl= ## parameter). if (!empty($hl_line_numbers)) { $lines = $content_html->find(".embedPastebin > ol > li"); if ($hl_to_end_from >= 0) $hl_line_numbers = array_merge($hl_line_numbers, range($hl_to_end_from, count($lines) - 1)); foreach ($lines as $i => $line) { if (in_array($i, $hl_line_numbers)) { $line->children(0)->class .= " pastebin-embed-highlighted-line"; } } } $out = Keep($styles.$content); } else { $out = Keep(""); if (!empty($hl_line_numbers) || !empty($line_numbers)) { $line_numbers_js = "[ ".implode(", ",$line_numbers)." ]"; $hl_line_numbers_js = "[ ".implode(", ",$hl_line_numbers)." ]"; $out .= Keep(" "); } PastebinEmbedAppendFooter(); } global $HTMLStylesFmt; if (!$raw && $noFooter) { $HTMLStylesFmt['pastebin-embed'][] = "#pastebinEmbed_$id .embedFooter { display: none; }\n"; } if (!$raw && $noLineNumbers) { $HTMLStylesFmt['pastebin-embed'][] = "#pastebinEmbed_$id > ol { padding-left: 5px; }\n"; } PastebinEmbedInjectStyles(); $id++; return $out; } function PastebinEmbedAppendFooter() { static $ran_once = false; if (!$ran_once) { global $HTMLFooterFmt; $HTMLFooterFmt[] = "\n"; } $ran_once = true; } function PastebinEmbedInjectStyles() { static $ran_once = false; if (!$ran_once) { global $HTMLStylesFmt, $PastebinEmbedHighlightStyle; $styles = " .embedPastebinRaw .pastebin-embed-highlighted-line { $PastebinEmbedHighlightStyle display: inline-block; width: calc(100% + 4px); padding-left: 4px; margin-left: -4px; } .embedPastebin li .pastebin-embed-highlighted-line { $PastebinEmbedHighlightStyle } #wikitext .embedPastebin ol { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 60px; } "; $HTMLStylesFmt['pastebin-embed'][] = $styles; } $ran_once = true; }