to use this MarkUp including at least one wiki-page address, the second is used in case the first wiki-page doesn't exist. * Example CODE: *****************************************************************/ function parseMenu($args){ global $SiteGroup ; $fluff = true ; ## Example Navigation page entry: // * [[$SiteGroup/NavBar?GroupNav={$Group}/GroupNav | Nav Menu ]] #- The Asterix flags it as a visible menu item w/ level one #- Normal pmwiki markup makes it a link named "Nav Menu". #- the link passes the $_GET var "GroupNav" with a second #- page address to be appended to the first when building #- this menu. Here the "{$Group}" Markup-Variable looks for #- the "GroupNav" page in whatever Group you are currently in. #- If we can't find that, we use /$SiteGroup/GroupNav instead. // $uri = explode("/",$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ; // $Group = $uri[1] ; // $pagename=$GLOBALS['MarkupToHTML']['pagename']; // $group = PageVar($pagename, '$Group'); ## Split the provided args so we can extract each/any $ArgsArr = explode(" ", $args[1]) ; ## Sanitize: $WikiPage = strtok($ArgsArr[0], "?") ; if(!PageExists($WikiPage)){ //look for Group Page $WikiPage = strtok($ArgsArr[1], "?") ; // Sanitize } $arrayPage = ReadPage($WikiPage) ; ## Allow bypass of Menu Builder using Markup -- (:Splash ... :) ## to display an image instead of a menu $Splash = substr(trim($arrayPage['text']), 0,8) ; if( $Splash === '(:Splash' || $Splash === '(:splash'){ $trimString = substr(trim($arrayPage['text']), 9) ; return rtrim( $trimString, ":)") ; }else{ ## Otherwise we break down the page line by line and look for menu items. ## Split the line into an array using New-Line as the delimiter $pullText = str_replace("\r", "", $arrayPage['text']) ;//drop Chr(13) $LineItems = explode("\n", $pullText) ; ## Mark the end position with a dummy marker: array_push($LineItems,"@ EOA"); ## Start Building our Menu structure: $FullBar = "" ; } $FullBar .= $urTag . "" ; }elseif( $liCT == $urCT ){ $FullBar .= $urTag . "
  • " ; }elseif( $liCT > $urCT ){ $FullBar .= $urTag . "" ; while($DropLI > 0){ $FullBar .= "
  • " ; } $FullBar .= "
  • " ; } } ## Roll current item into the "Previous" position $urTag = $liTag ; ## Roll current drop-level to the "Previous" level $prevLevel = $liLevel ; } } // for each return $FullBar; } } // MakeFlatMenu() ## the Markup itself: Markup( 'parseMenu', 'inline', '/\\(:parseMenu(?s).(.*?):\\)/', "parseMenu" ); ## This hides the "Splash" markup which bypasses the Parse function. ## For example to insert a picture instead of a Menu for certain groups: ## the wiki page would use the Splash markup to bypass the Menu builder. /* (:Splash :) */ Markup( 'SplashMenu', 'inline', '/\\(:Splash (.*?):\\)/', "$1" ); ## Menu Horizontal-Rule Markup: Markup( 'menuHR', 'inline', '/\*(.*?)\\(:hr:\\)/', "
    " ); ## Menu Empty-line or "Spacer" Markup: Markup( 'menuSpacer', 'inline', '/\*(.*?)\\(:spacer:\\)/', "" ); ## By Using MenuStart and MenuEnd Markup ## We can have decorated pages which include the actual menu as well Markup( 'menuStart', 'style', '/\\(:Menu:\\)/', "" ); ## The SpliceNav Markup allows the Splicing of Menu Pages so ## you can have a Site Navigation Menu page and also have ## {Group} Navigation Pages, which can be combined. ## Using the (:SpliceNav:) Markup you can add/splice the ## {Group} Navigation page to the bottom of the ## Site Navigation page ( for Responsive Themes) ## NB!: This requires passing the spliced page link as part of the URL ## using a $_GET var ## e.g.: ?GroupNav=Group/Page with the link address. ## For example I have a {Group}/MiniNav page with one Link - /* // * [[Site/NavBar?GroupNav={$Group}/GroupNav | Nav Menu ]] ## This splices the current {Group}/GroupNav page onto Site/NavBar page function SpliceNav(){ if(isset($_GET['GroupNav'])){ if(PageExists($_GET['GroupNav'])){ return "(:include ".$_GET['GroupNav']." :)" ; }else{ $outLink = str_replace($Group, "Site", $_GET['GroupNav']) ; if(PageExists($outLink)){ return "(:include $outLink:)" ; } } } } Markup( 'SpliceNav', 'fulltext', '/\\(:SpliceNav:\\)/', "SpliceNav" ); ## And finally menu-page markup to insert a menu horizontal rule: ## (applied late to only change list items) Markup('lihrrule','style','/----/','
    '); /* CSS Added to your skin, or to your pub/css/local.css .hrli, .lihr { margin-left: 0px ; width: 80% ; max-width: 180px ; border: 0 ; height: 0 ; border-bottom: 1px solid ; } .hrli { margin-left: 40px ;} /*