* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Versions * * 2021-09-19 - XES: fixed PHP warnings about undefined constants. The $ListCategories_MarkupFunctions values needed quotes around the function names. * 2017-09-23 - Adjusted for PHP 5.5-7.1 compatibility by XES, version number changed to match PmWiki and human-readable standards. * */ $RecipeInfo['ListCategories']['Version'] = '2021-09-19'; SDV($ListCategories_CreatePages, true); // automatically create Category.Bla pages? SDV($ListCategories_IncludeCategories, "/.*/"); SDV($ListCategories_ExcludeCategories, "/^Blog$/"); SDV($ListCategories_SizedlistNum, 30 ); // number of item in the SizedList format SDV($ListCategories_SizedlistRandom, false ); // use random tags or the first in the list SDV($ListCategories_SizedlistMinFontSize, 8 ); // minimal font size SDV($ListCategories_SizedlistMaxFontSize, 26 ); // maximal font size SDV($ListCategories_SortSizedList, false ); // sort tags in the tag cloud alphabetically? SDV($ListCategories_SortSimpleList, false ); // sort tags in the simple list alphabetically? $ListCategories_MarkupFunctions["simple"] = 'ListCategories_SimpleList'; $ListCategories_MarkupFunctions["sized"] = 'ListCategories_SizedList'; $ListCategories_MarkupFunctions["include"] = 'ListCategories_IncludeList'; $ListCategories_MarkupFunctions["pagelist"] = 'ListCategories_Pagelink'; // Example: (:listcategories simple (Main|Pics|Blog)\..*:) #Markup('(:listcategories format where:)','directives',"/\\(:listcategories\\s+([A-Za-z0-9]+)\\s+([^:]*):\\)/e","ListCategories('$1','$2')"); Markup('(:listcategories format where:)','directives',"/\\(:listcategories\\s+([A-Za-z0-9]+)\\s+([^:]*):\\)/","ListCategories"); /*********************************************************************/ function ListCategories_IncludeList( $categories ) { $out = ""; foreach( $categories as $pn => $count ) { $out .= "(:include Category.$pn:)\n"; } return PRR($out); } SDV($LinkCategoryFmt,""); function ListCategories_SimpleList( $categories ) { // sort global $ListCategories_SortSimpleList; if( $ListCategories_SortSimpleList ) ksort( $categories ); // output $out = ""; $space = ""; foreach( $categories as $pn => $count ) { $out .= $space . "[[!$pn]]"; $space = " "; } return PRR($out); } function ListCategories_Pagelink( $categories ) { global $pagename; $pages = array(); foreach( $categories as $pn => $count ) { $opt = array( "link"=>"Category.$pn", "count"=>"5", "order"=>"-ctime" ); $matches = array_values(MakePageList( $pagename, $opt, 0 )); $pages = array_merge( array_intersect($pages, $matches), array_diff($pages, $matches), array_diff($matches, $pages) ); } if( count($pages)>5 ) $pages = array_slice( $pages, 0, 6 ); $out = ""; foreach( $pages as $page ) { if( $page!=$pagename ) { $time = PageVar($page, '$CreationTime'); if( ! $time ) PageVar($page, '$LastModified'); $out .= "[[$page|" . PageVar($page, '$Title') . "]] - " . $time . "\\\\\n"; } } return PRR($out); } function ListCategories_SizedList( $categories ) { global $ListCategories_SizedlistNum, $ListCategories_SizedlistRandom, $ListCategories_SizedlistMinFontSize, $ListCategories_SizedlistMaxFontSize; $all = count( $categories ); $sum = 0; $num = 0; $selected = array(); foreach( $categories as $pn => $count ) { $showThisOne = true; if( $ListCategories_SizedlistRandom && rand(0, $all)>$ListCategories_SizedlistNum ) $showThisOne = false; if( $showThisOne ) { $sum += $count; $num++; $selected[$pn]=$count; } if( !$ListCategories_SizedlistRandom && $num>$ListCategories_SizedlistNum ) break; } // sort them global $ListCategories_SortSizedList; if( $ListCategories_SortSizedList ) ksort( $selected ); // output them $out = ""; $space = ""; $min = $ListCategories_SizedlistMinFontSize; $max = $ListCategories_SizedlistMaxFontSize; $mult = ($max-$min)/3; foreach( $selected as $pn => $count ) { $value = $count/($sum/$num); if( $value>3 ) $value=3; # $out=$out."$space[[Category.$pn|$pn]]"; $out=$out."$space[[Category.$pn|$pn]]"; $space = " "; } return PRR($out); } function GetCategoriesCountList( $where ) { // get Category links (copied from pagelists.php PageIndexGrep) global $PageIndexFile, $ListCategories_CreatePages, $ListCategories_IncludeCategories, $ListCategories_ExcludeCategories; if (!$PageIndexFile) return array(); StopWatch('ListCategories begin'); $pagelist = array(); $fp = @fopen($PageIndexFile, 'r'); if ($fp) { while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets($fp, 4096); while (substr($line, -1, 1) != "\n" && !feof($fp)) $line .= fgets($fp, 4096); $i = strpos($line, ':'); if (!$i) continue; // look for Category links $matches = array(); if( preg_match("/^$where:/", $line ) ) { $count = preg_match_all( "/Category\\.([^: ]+) /", $line, $matches ); global $StopWatch; # $StopWatch[] = "$count in $line
"; foreach($matches[1] as $cat) { if( preg_match($ListCategories_IncludeCategories, $cat) && !preg_match($ListCategories_ExcludeCategories, $cat) ) { # echo "$cat
"; // count how often a Category link appears if( isset($pagelist[$cat]) ) $pagelist[$cat]++; else $pagelist[$cat]=1; // create category page if( $ListCategories_CreatePages && !PageExists("Category.$cat") ) { $page = ReadPage("Site.ListCategoriesDefaultPage"); if( $page ) $page = array("text"=>"(:keywords $cat:)\n","keywords"=>"$cat"); WritePage("Category.$cat",$page); } } } } } fclose($fp); StopWatch('ListCategories end'); } return $pagelist; } function ListCategories( $m ) { $format=$m[1]; $where=$m[2]; $pagelist = GetCategoriesCountList( $where ); // markup global $ListCategories_MarkupFunctions; if( isset($ListCategories_MarkupFunctions[$format]) ) $fun = $ListCategories_MarkupFunctions[$format]; else $fun = $ListCategories_MarkupFunctions["simple"]; return $fun( $pagelist ); } $HandleActions["pageindex"] = "ListCategoriesIndex"; function ListCategoriesIndex( $pagename, $auth = 'read' ) { $opt = array( "order"=>"-ctime" ); $pagelist = array_values(MakePageList( "Main/HomePage", $opt, 0 )); # print_r( $pagelist ); register_shutdown_function('flush'); register_shutdown_function('PageIndexUpdate', $pagelist, getcwd()); return HandleBrowse( $pagename, $auth ); }