* * A set of replace-on-edit rules for automatically converting * HTML to PmWiki markup * * Developed and tested using the PmWiki 2.2.0-beta series. * * To install, add the following line to your configuration file : include_once("$FarmD/cookbook/convert-html.php"); * * For more information, please see the online documentation at * http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/ConvertHTML * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, * Version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html */ $RecipeInfo['ConvertHTML']['Version'] = '2008-10-05'; SDVA( $ROEPatterns, array( '#\s*(.*?)\*s\n*#is' => "(: title $1:)\n", '#\n*#i' => "(:$2 $4:)\n", '##' => "%comment% $1 %%", '#<(ul|ol|dl)\s+([^>]+)>\s*(<(li|dt)\b[^>]*>)#i' => '<$1>$3%apply=list $2% ', '#<(li|dt)\s+([^>]+)>#i' => "<$1>%apply=item $2% ", '#\s*\s*\s*\s*(.*?)\n?#is' => "\n:$1:$2\n", '#\s*(<(ul|ol)\s*>\s*)\n?#ise' => 'ConvertHtmlList(PSS("$1"))', '#\n?]*)?>(.*?)\s*#is' => "\n(:table$1:)$2\n(:tableend:)", '#\n?]*)?>(.*?)#is' => "\n(:cell$1:)$2", '#\n?]*)?>\s*\(:cell\b(.*?)#is' => "\n(:cellnr$1$2", '#<(p|h\d)\s+([^>]+)>#i' => "<$1>%block $2% ", '#\n*(.*?)\n*#ise' => "\"\n\n\".str_repeat('!','$1').\" $2\n\"", '#\n*\s*(.*?)

\n?#is' => "\n\n$1\n", '#\n*]*)?>\s*(.*?)\n?\n*#is' => "\n(:div$1:)$2\n(:divend:)\n", '#]*)>(.*?)#ise' => '"%".ConvertHtmlSpan(PSS("$1"))."% $2 %%"', '#\n*
\n*#is' => "\n->$1\n", '#
\n*#i' => "\\\\\\\n", '#\n*
\n*#i' => "\n----\n", '##i' => "''", '##i' => "'''", '##i' => "@@", '#
#is' => "[@$1@]", '#(.*?)#is' => "'+$1+'", '#(.*?)#is' => "'-$1-'", '#(.*?)#is' => "'^$1^'", '#(.*?)#is' => "'_$1_'", '#(.*?)#is' => "{+$1+}", '#(.*?)#is' => "{-$1-}", '#(<(?:a|img)\b[^>]+\b(href|src)=)([\'"])([./][^\'"]*?)\3#i' => "$1$3Path:$4$3", '#]*\bname=([\'"])([^\'"]*?)\1[^>]*>(.*?)#is' => "[[#$2]] $3", '#]*\bhref=([\'"])([^\'"]*?)\1[^>]*>(.*?)#is' => "[[$2|$3]]", '##i' => "$2", '#]*)\bsrc=([\'"])([^\'"]*?)\2\s([^>]*?)\s*/?>#i' => '%apply=img $1$4%$3%%', )); function ConvertHtmlSpan($param) { return preg_replace( array( '/%/', '/(?:class|style)=([\'"])(.*?)\1/' ), array( 'pct', '$2' ), $param ); } function ConvertHtmlList($html) { $out = ''; $lit = array(); $html = preg_replace('#(]+)>#i','$1>',$html); $lia = preg_split( '#\s*()\s*#i', $html, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE ); foreach( $lia as $n ) switch($n) { case '
    ': $lit[] = "\n".str_repeat( '*', count($lit)+1 ).' '; break; case '
      ': $lit[] = "\n".str_repeat( '#', count($lit)+1 ).' '; break; case '
': case '': array_pop($lit); break; case '
  • ': if($lit) $out .= end($lit); break; case '
  • ': break; default: $out .= $n; } return $out; }