'HandleBHZip')); SDVA($BHZip, array( 'pages'=>'*.*,-PmWiki*.*,-SiteAdmin.*,-*.WikiSandbox,-Site.*', 'adminperms' => false, 'skin' => false, 'css' => false, 'autostart_delay_hours' => 0, 'squelch_hours' => 1, 'dir' => 'backup', 'htaccess' => "Order Deny,Allow\nDeny from all\n", 'namefmt' => 'backup-%Y%m%d_%H%M%S', 'zipbinary' => 'zip', 'zipexclude' => '*~ .svn *,cache', 'zippassword' => false, 'delcache' => true, 'zipkeeplatest' => 10, 'memory_limit' => '128M', 'max_execution_time' => 180, )); if($BHZip['autostart_delay_hours']>0 && (!@$action || $action=="browse")) $PostConfig['CheckBHZip'] = 300; if($action == 'bhzip') { ini_set('memory_limit', $BHZip['memory_limit']); ini_set('max_execution_time', $BHZip['max_execution_time']); if($BHZip['skin']) $Skin = $BHZip['skin']; ## Convert (:redirect:) to link. Markup('redirect', ' $Now) { Abort("$[Too early for a new snapshot.] (squelch_hours)"); } if($auth != 'ALWAYS') { # request password if needed $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, $auth, true, READPAGE_CURRENT); } $orig_pagename = $pagename; PrintFmt($pagename, $HTMLStartFmt); if($BHZip['adminperms']) { $rand = mt_rand(100000, 999999); $DefaultPasswords['admin'] = pmcrypt($rand); $_POST['authpw'] = $rand; } if($BHZip['css']) { $HTMLStylesFmt['bhzip'] = $BHZip['css']; } $EnableStopWatch = 0; $EnablePathInfo = 1; $ScriptUrl = '..'; $FmtPV['$oPageUrl'] = $FmtPV['$PageUrl']; $FmtPV['$PageUrl'] = 'PUE("../$group/$name.html")'; $PubDirUrl = '../_pub'; $FarmPubDirUrl = '../_fpub'; $UploadUrlFmt = '../_uploads'; $EnableDirectDownload = 1; array_shift($TmplFmt['Start']); # remove HTTP headers; SetTmplDisplay('PageActionFmt',0); $EnableRedirect = 0; $d = $BHZip['dir']; if(! file_exists("$d/.htaccess") ) { mkdirp($d); bh_file_put_contents("$d/.htaccess", $BHZip['htaccess']); bh_symlink("$FarmD/pub", "$d/_fpub"); if(is_dir('pub') ) { if( realpath("pub") == realpath("$FarmD/pub") ) $PubDirUrl = '../_fpub'; else { bh_symlink(realpath("pub"), "$d/_pub"); } } if(is_dir($UploadDir)) { bh_symlink(realpath($UploadDir), "$d/_uploads"); } } $list = ListPages($BHZip['pages']); sort($list); $groups = array(); foreach($list as $pn) { $pagename = $pn; $page = ($auth == 'ALWAYS') ? ReadPage($pn, READPAGE_CURRENT) : RetrieveAuthPage($pn, $auth, false, READPAGE_CURRENT); if(! $page ) continue; list($g, $n) = explode('.', $pn); $groups[$g]++; ob_start(); HandleBrowse($pagename, 'ALWAYS'); $html = ob_get_clean(); mkdirp("$d/$g"); bh_file_put_contents("$d/$g/$n.html", $html); echo "$g/$n.html ".XL('written').".
\n"; flush(); $TmplDisplay = array('PageActionFmt'=>0); unset($InclCount); } list($g, $n) = explode('.', ResolvePageName('')); # default page $namefmt = strftime( $BHZip['namefmt'] ); $idxname = "$namefmt.html"; $idxhtml = " Redirect ".XL('Page redirects to') ." $g/$n.html"; bh_file_put_contents("$d/$idxname", $idxhtml); $groups[$idxname]++; $b = $BHZip['zipbinary']; if($b) { $zname = "$namefmt.zip"; flush(); $x = $BHZip['zipexclude'] ? " -x {$BHZip['zipexclude']}" : ""; $m = $BHZip['delcache'] ? " --move " : ""; $p = $BHZip['zippassword'] ? " -P \"{$BHZip['zippassword']}\"" : ""; $pwd = getcwd(); chdir($d); $zip = exec("$b $p -r $m $zname ".implode(" ", array_keys($groups)). " $x"); $zip = exec("$b $p -r -u $zname _uploads _pub _fpub $x"); $zkl = $BHZip['zipkeeplatest']; if($zkl && $zkl>0) { $zips = array(); foreach(glob('*.zip') as $f) { $zips[$f] = filemtime($f); } arsort($zips); $zips = array_keys($zips); for($i=$zkl; $i\n"; echo "" . XL('Continue to') . " $WikiTitle
\n"; PrintFmt($orig_pagename, $HTMLEndFmt); } function CheckBHZip($pagename) { global $BHZip, $action, $HTMLStartFmt, $HTMLEndFmt, $Now, $WikiTitle; $latest = 0; foreach(glob($BHZip['dir'].'/*.zip') as $f) { $latest = max($latest,filemtime($f)); } foreach(glob($BHZip['dir'].'/*.html') as $f) { $latest = max($latest,filemtime($f)); } foreach(glob($BHZip['dir'].'/*.skip') as $f) { $latest = max($latest,filemtime($f)); } if($latest + $BHZip['autostart_delay_hours']*3600 >= $Now) return; mkdirp($BHZip['dir']); $namefmt = strftime( $BHZip['namefmt'] ); touch("{$BHZip['dir']}/$namefmt.skip"); $pagename = ResolvePageName($pagename); $heading = XL('Automatic backup'); $message = XL('New backup snapshot is scheduled now. This may take up to 3 minutes.'); $go = XL("Create snapshot now (recommended)"); $skip = sprintf(XL('Skip snapshot for the next %s hours'), $BHZip['autostart_delay_hours']); $url = PageVar($pagename, '$PageUrl'); $html = "

$WikiTitle: $heading


$go - $skip

"; PrintFmt($pagename, array($HTMLStartFmt, $html, $HTMLEndFmt)); exit; } function bh_file_put_contents($fname, $text) { file_put_contents($fname, $text); fixperms($fname); } function bh_symlink($src, $dst) { symlink($src, $dst); fixperms($dst); }