* @author Sebastian Siedentopf * @version 0.4.5 * @link http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/AttachlistEnhanced this cookbook on pmwiki.org * @copyright by the respective authors 2004-2005 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU General Public License * @package postitnotes * @todo better layout engine */ /* For Developers ============== Version History --------------- * 0.4 - 2005-11-11 - Schlaefer ** [change] much improved code base (index system) * 0.4.5 - 2010-06-21 - Brecht Machiels ** [bugfix] made it work with PmWiki 2.2 and PHP 5.2.12 */ SDV($HTMLStylesFmt['ALE'], " table.ALEtable img { width:100px; } table.ALEtable { border:1px silver solid; padding: 5px; width: 100%;border-collapse: collapse; } table.ALEtable td { border-top: 1px silver solid; } "); $ALEStartFmt =''; $ALEEndFmt = '

$ALEFoundItems items found.
'; $ALEItemOrphanedFmt = '$ALEItemGroup$ALEItemFileName' . '$ALEItemImage' . ''; Markup('attachmentsmissingororphaned', 'directives', '/\\(:attachlist\\s*(find.*?)\\s*:\\)/e', "Keep(attachmentsmissingororphanedfct('$pagename',PSS('$1')))"); function attachmentsmissingororphanedfct($pagename, $args) { global $GroupPattern, $NamePattern, $RecentUploads, $RecentChangesFmt, $UploadPrefixFmt; global $ALEStartFmt,$ALEItemOrphanedFmt,$ALEEndFmt,$FmtV; global $UrlExcludeChars,$ImgExtPattern,$UploadExts; $defaults = array(); $defaults['ImagesAutoResizing'] = 1; $opt = array_merge($defaults, ParseArgs($args)); $status = $opt['find']; if ($opt['ImagesAutoResizing'] == 0) $ALEFileIgnorePattern = ".*\.[ps]\.\w{3}"; #Checks if RecentUploads is defined, if not, use the PmWiki 1 default Values if (!isset ($RecentUploads)) $RecentUploads = array ( 'Main.AllRecentUploads' => "[[$UploadUrlFmt$UploadPrefixFmt\$UploadName \$UploadName]]", '$Group.RecentUploads' => '[[Attach:$UploadName $UploadName]]' ); $p = array_merge($RecentUploads, $RecentChangesFmt); #get pagenames as exclude pattern foreach ($p as $kp1 => $p1) $PageExclude[] = substr(stristr($kp1, "."), 1); $PageExcludePattern = implode("|", $PageExclude); $PageExcludePattern .= "|PmWiki"; $UplExtPattern = "(?:.".implode("|.",array_keys($UploadExts)).")"; # we take care for attachments without an extension $UplExtPattern = preg_replace("/\\|\\.(\\W)/","|[\w]\${1}",$UplExtPattern); $pagelist = ListPages(NULL); $grouplist = array (); $attachlist['index'] = array (); foreach ($pagelist as $page) { if (preg_match("/($PageExcludePattern)/", $page)) continue; if (preg_match("/^($GroupPattern)[\\/.]($NamePattern)$/", $page, $foundgroup)) $grouplist[$foundgroup[1]] = $foundgroup[1]; $rcpage = ReadPage($page); # ignore outcommented Attachs $rcpage['text'] = preg_replace("/\\[[@=].*?[@=]\\]/s","",$rcpage['text']); if (preg_match_all("/\\b(?>(Attach:))([^\\s$UrlExcludeChars]+($ImgExtPattern|$UplExtPattern))/", $rcpage['text'], $pageattachments, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) { foreach ($pageattachments[2] as $file) { # HACK: remove trailing "|name" without space before the | (not sure why these aren't handled correctly somewhere above) $file = preg_replace("/\\|.*$/", "", $file); $strippednames = ALEh1fct($file,$page); $index = FmtPageName("$UploadUrlFmt$UploadPrefixFmt/".$strippednames['image'], $strippednames['page']); $attachlist['index'][$index] = $index; $attachlist['file'][$index] = $file; $attachlist['pagename'][$index][$page] = $page; } } } $filelist = array (); $filelist = ALEReadDirectories("/", $ALEFileIgnorePattern); $out = array (); if ($status === "orphaned") { $attachments = array_diff($filelist['index'], $attachlist['index']); if (count($attachments)) { natcasesort($attachments); foreach ($attachments as $missing) { if (preg_match("/$ImgExtPattern$/",$filelist['file'][$missing])) { #TODO use 'index' here? $lktxt = "Attach:".$filelist['group'][$missing].$filelist['file'][$missing]; $FmtV['$ALEItemImage'] = MakeLink($pagename,$lktxt,$lktxt); } else $FmtV['$ALEItemImage'] = ""; $FmtV['$ALEItemUploadUrl'] = $filelist['uploadurl'][$missing]; $FmtV['$ALEItemFileName'] = $filelist['file'][$missing]; $FmtV['$ALEItemGroup'] = $filelist['group'][$missing]; $ALEItemsFmt[] = FmtPageName($ALEItemOrphanedFmt,$pagename); } } else $ALEItemsFmt[] = "No orphaned attachments found."; } elseif ($status === "missing"){ $attachments = array(); foreach($attachlist['index'] as $index) if(!in_array($index,$filelist['index'])) $attachments[] = $index; if (count($attachments)){ natcasesort($attachments); foreach($attachments as $index){ $ALEItemsFmt[]="".$index. "in"; foreach($attachlist['pagename'][$index] as $page) $ALEItemsFmt[] = MakeLink($pagename,$page,$page)."
"; $ALEItemsFmt[] = ""; } } else $ALEItemsFmt[]= "No missing attachments found."; } $FmtV['$ALEFoundItems'] = count($attachments); $ALEFmt = array($ALEStartFmt,implode("",$ALEItemsFmt),$ALEEndFmt); return Keep(FmtPageName(implode("",$ALEFmt),$pagename)); } /** * reads all directories content recursive * * @param string $dir the root directory name * @param string $ALEFileIgnorePattern RegEx string of ignored file names "ignore|ignore|ignore" etc * @return array found files with index, uploadurl, group, file */ function ALEReadDirectories($dir, $ALEFileIgnorePattern = "") { global $UploadDir, $UploadUrlFmt; $uploaddir = FmtPageName("$UploadDir$dir", $pagename); $uploadurl = FmtPageName("$UploadUrlFmt$dir", $pagename); $dirp = opendir($uploaddir); if (!$dirp) return ""; $directoriesfound = array (); $filelist = array(); while ($file = readdir($dirp)) { if (substr($file, 0, 1) == '.') continue; if ($ALEFileIgnorePattern) if (preg_match("/".$ALEFileIgnorePattern."/", $file)) continue; if (is_dir($uploaddir."/".$file)) { $directoriesfound[] = $file; continue; } $index = $dir.$file; $filelist['index'][$index] = $index; $filelist['uploadurl'][$index] = $uploadurl; $filelist['group'][$index] = $dir; $filelist['file'][$index] = $file; } closedir($dirp); foreach ($directoriesfound as $actdir) { $dirrec = $dir.$actdir."/"; $filelist = array_merge_recursive($filelist, ALEReadDirectories($dirrec, $ALEFileIgnorePattern)); } return $filelist; } /** * Helps to find the image filepath depending on Attach syntax and $UploadPrefixFmt * * Keep in sync with imgpopup! * * @param string $imagename the image name only "$UploadPrefixFmt/image.ext" string * @param string $pagename * @return array array with 'image' as the new $imagename and 'page' as the new $pagename * @version v1.3 */ function ALEh1fct($imagename, $pagename) { global $UploadPrefixFmt; $pgn = explode(".", $pagename); $upl = preg_split("/(\/|\.(?=.*\/))/", $imagename); if (isset ($upl[1])) { if ($UploadPrefixFmt == '/$Group') $pagename = $upl[0].".Upload"; else { $pagename = $pgn[0].".".$upl[0]; } $imagename = $upl[1]; } if (isset ($upl[2])) { $pagename = $upl[0].".".$upl[1]; $imagename = $upl[2]; } return array ('image' => $imagename, 'page' => $pagename); } ?>