MathJax.Hub.Config({ tex2jax: { inlineMath: [["$","$"], ["\\\\(","\\\\)"]], displayMath: [["$$","$$"], ["\\\\[","\\\\]"]], ignoreClass: "fixed", processClass: "tex2jax", }}); '; // This line gives you LaTeX $$ $$ display equations in the center // as it does with LaTeX. Markup('$$', '<$', '/\\$\\$(.*?)\\$\$/', "
"); // This line gives you $ $ equations in line. You can then use // \displaystyle as normal to get pretty print equations inline. if(function_exists('Markup_e')) { # new format, no /e Markup_e('$', 'directives', '/\\$(.*?)\\$/', "Keep('\$'.\$m[1].'\$')"); } else { # old format Markup('$', 'directives', '/\\$(.*?)\\$/e', "Keep('\$'.PSS('$1').'\$')"); }