This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. MODULE: PMWikiEnhancedFeed USAGE: */ $RecipeInfo['EnhancedFeeds']['Version'] = '2007-07-20'; // Set Default Anchor Block SDV($BE_PageSection,"/\[\[#blog\]\](.*?)\[\[#blogend\]\]/esi"); function FeedTextSection($pagename, &$page, $tag) { // Set to page section extracted global $BE_PageSection; $page = ReadPage($pagename); // Prepare output from first marked section preg_match($BE_PageSection,$page['text'],$entry); $content = MarkupToHTML($pagename, $entry['0']); return "<$tag>"; } function FeedTextPage($pagename, &$page, $tag) { // Set to page content global $BE_PageSection; $page = ReadPage($pagename); // Prepare output from entire page $content = MarkupToHTML($pagename, $page['text']); return "<$tag>"; } function FeedCategory($pagename, &$page, $tag) { // Set to native PMWiki categories found on page $page = ReadPage($pagename); preg_match_all("/\[\[!(.*?)\]\]/",$page['text'],$category); foreach ($category[1] as $element) $content .= "<$tag>".$element."\n"; return $content; }