of class "nztopo", see https://www.topomap.co.nz/. */ function NZTopo_Parse($m) { list ( , $p1, $p2, $p3, $p4, $p5, $p6, $p7, $p8, $p9) = $m; # global $NZTopoZoom, $NZTopoNewwin; # configuration variables from configuration file, e.g. config.php global $debugon; # for debug // Initialise variables $retval = ''; # return value $opt = ParseArgs($p1 . ' ' . $p2 . ' ' . $p3 . ' ' . $p4 . ' ' . $p5 . ' ' . $p6 . ' ' . $p7 . ' ' . $p8 . ' ' . $p9); # see pmWiki documentation $src_url = 'https://www.topomap.co.nz/NZTopoMap'; # URL for browser service $src_urlemb = 'https://www.topomap.co.nz/NZTopoMapEmbedded'; # URL for embedded service $src_proxy = 'https://www.topomap.co.nz/proxy.ashx?'; # URL for gpx proxy $version = 'v=2'; # fixed version of nztopomap interface $newwin = $NZTopoNewwin; # open map in new window // ## need dpi to calculate size of map to ask for, have not been told what topomap generates $ppcm = 80; # 80 pixels per centimetre to provide base scale for maps (guess) // $width = $opt['width']; # iframe parameter $height = $opt['height']; # iframe parameter $float = (bool) $opt['float'] ? 'float:' . $opt['float'] . ';' : ''; # div parameter $clear = (bool) $opt['clear'] ? 'clear:' . $opt['clear'] . ';' : ''; # div parameter $pdiv = (bool) $clear . $float ? ' style="' . $clear . $float . '"' : ''; # div positioning $debugval = $debugon ? '
' : ''; # initialise $dbgval = ''; # initialise empty ## query string parameters $bllbs = (boolean) $opt['llbs']; if( $bllbs ) { # get size of map in km list ($widthkm, $heightkm, $dbgval) = llbskm($opt['llbs']); $debugval .= $dbgval; $width = max ($widthkm * $ppcm, $width); # override height $height = max ($heightkm * $ppcm, $width); # override height } $bnzbs = (boolean) $opt['nzbs']; if( $bnzbs ) { # get size of map in km list ($widthkm, $heightkm, $dbgval) = nzbskm($opt['nzbs']); $debugval .= $dbgval; $width = max ($widthkm * $ppcm, $width); # override height $height = max ($heightkm * $ppcm, $width); # override height } ## build query string (i.e. topomap API) $query = ''; # initialise $query .= (bool) $opt['ll'] ? '&ll=' . $opt['ll'] : ''; $query .= (bool) $opt['llbs'] ? '&llbs=' . $opt['llbs'] : ''; $query .= (bool) $opt['topo50'] ? '&topo50=' . $opt['topo50'] : ''; $query .= (bool) $opt['nzbs'] ? '&nzbs=' . $opt['nzbs'] : ''; $query .= (bool) $opt['nzne'] ? '&nzne=' . $opt['nzne'] : ''; // # trim URLs for spaces and quotes; rawurldecode URLs before rawurlencode them for nztopomap # rawurldecode resets any pasted url to a 'known' state //$query .= (bool) $opt['kml'] ? '&kml=' . rawurlencode(htmlentities(rawurldecode(trim($opt['kml'], ' \'\"')))) : ''; # does not comply with topomap API $query .= (bool) $opt['kml'] ? '&kml=' . encode_kml($opt['kml'], $dbgval) : ''; # call function to comply with topomap API $debugval .= (bool) $opt['kml'] ? $dbgval : ''; # debug output if( $debugon ) { # apply different combinations of encoding for match with topomap API # kml filename double rawurlencode (for debug and testing only) $query .= (bool) $opt['kml2'] ? '&kml=' . rawurlencode(rawurlencode(htmlentities(rawurldecode(trim($opt['kml2'], ' \'\"'))))) : ''; # kml filename single rawurlencode with no rawurldecode (for debug and testing only) $query .= (bool) $opt['kml3'] ? '&kml=' . rawurlencode(htmlentities(trim($opt['kml3'], ' \'\"'))) : ''; # kml filename double rawurlencode with no rawurldecode (for debug and testing only) $query .= (bool) $opt['kml4'] ? '&kml=' . rawurlencode(rawurlencode(htmlentities(trim($opt['kml4'], ' \'\"')))) : ''; } # debugon // note gpx works fine $query .= (bool) $opt['gpx'] ? '&gpx=' . rawurlencode($src_proxy . htmlentities(rawurldecode(trim($opt['gpx'], ' \'\"')))) : ''; // $query .= (bool) $opt['mapref'] ? '&mapref=' . $opt['mapref'] : ''; $query .= (bool) $opt['pin'] ? '&pin=' . $opt['pin'] : ''; $query .= (bool) $opt['label'] ? '&lbl=' . htmlentities(trim($opt['label'])) : ''; # trim spaces, encode special chars for them to work with the topo map $query .= (bool) $opt['zoom'] ? '&z=' . $opt['zoom'] : '&z=' . $NZTopoZoom; $query .= '&new=' . $newwin; # set open in new window option $awidth = (bool) $width ? ' width="' . $width . '"' : ''; # iframe parameter $aheight = (bool) $height ? ' height="' . $height . '"' : ''; # iframe parameter $src = $src_urlemb . '?' . $version . $query; $retval .= '
' . "\n"; $retval .= ''; $retval .= '
' . "\n"; /* example query string for nztopomap https://www.topomap.co.nz/NZTopoMap or https://www.topomap.co.nz/NZTopoMapEmbedded ?v=2&ll=-41.293722,174.871482&z=15&pin=1 ?v=2&kml=https%3A%2F%2Fkiwiwiki.co.nz%2Fpmwiki%2Fuploads%2FTest%2FNZTopo-Attach%2F29%2520May%25202015%252020_01_35.kml ?v=2&gpx=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.topomap.co.nz%2Fproxy.ashx%3Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fkiwiwiki.co.nz%2Fpmwiki%2Fuploads%2FTest%2FNZTopo-Attach%2F20150531.gpx */ if( $debugon ) { # display inputs and outputs to wiki page $debugval .= 'input: p1=' . $p1 . ' p2=' . $p2 . ' p3=' . $p3 . ' p4=' . $p4 . ' p5=' . $p5 . ' p6=' . $p6 . ' p7=' . $p7 . ' p8=' . $p8 . ' p9=' . $p9 . '
' . "\n"; $debugval .= 'output: src="' . '' . $version . $query . ''; $debugval .= '"
' . "\n"; } # debugon return Keep($retval . $debugval); } # end NZTopo_Parse function encode_kml($kml_url, &$dbgval) { global $debugon; # for debug # for the kml parameter the topomap API is inconsistent. The kml path is urlencoded separately to the full url string // specifically rawurlencode($src_proxy . rawurldecode(trim(filename.gpx, ' \'\"'))) works, // but rawurlencode( rawurldecode(trim(filename.kml, ' \'\"'))) does not $temp_url = # decode for parse_url and to start with known state (user may for example provide spaces in the URL string) htmlentities( # protect against injection attacks rawurldecode(trim($kml_url, ' \'\"'))); # trim single and double quotes and spaces $parsed_url = parse_url($temp_url); # extract url components $dbgval .= $debugon ? ' path="' . $parsed_url['path'] . '"
' . "\n" : ''; # debug output $parsed_url['path'] = rawurlencode(substr($parsed_url['path'], 1)); # encode path separately again, dropping leading '/' $dbgval .= $debugon ? ' enc_path="' . $parsed_url['path'] . '"
' . "\n" : ''; # debug output $enc_url = ''; # reconstruct URL $enc_url .= (bool) $parsed_url['scheme'] ? $parsed_url['scheme'] . '://' : ''; # aka http or https $enc_url .= (bool) $parsed_url['host'] ? $parsed_url['host'] : ''; # domain name $enc_url .= (bool) $parsed_url['port'] ? ':' . $parsed_url['port'] : ''; # port $enc_url .= (bool) $parsed_url['path'] ? '/' . $parsed_url['path'] : ''; # add '/' dropped before as topomap considers it part of the host # query and fragment omitted return rawurlencode ($enc_url); # finally encode url and return it } # end encode_kml function llbskm($llbs) { global $debugon; # for debug $dbgval = ''; $latlngs = preg_split ('/[,;]/', $llbs); $lats = array(); # eastings $lngs = array(); # northings foreach ($latlngs as $k => $v) { $k % 2 == 0 ? $lats [] = $v : $lngs [] = $v; } $maxlat = max ($lats); $maxlng = max ($lngs); $minlat = min ($lats); $minlng = min ($lngs); /* rectangle coordinates are (lat/long) left: right: top: max/min max/max bot: min/min min/max */ $width1 = distance ($maxlat, $minlng, $maxlat, $maxlng); $width2 = distance ($minlat, $minlng, $minlat, $maxlng); $height1 = distance ($maxlat, $minlng, $minlat, $minlng); $height2 = distance ($maxlat, $maxlng, $minlat, $maxlng); $widthkm = ceil (max ($width1, $width2) * 10) / 10; # take largest width and round up to km $heightkm = ceil (max ($height1, $height2) * 10) / 10; # take largest height and round up to km if( $debugon ) { $dbgval .= 'lats="' . var_export ($lats, TRUE) . '"
' . "\n"; $dbgval .= 'lngs="' . implode ('", "', $lngs) . '"
' . "\n"; $dbgval .= 'minlat=' . $minlat . ', maxlat=' . $maxlat . ', minlng=' . $minlng . ', maxlng=' . $maxlng . '
' . "\n"; $dbgval .= 'w1=' . $width1 . ', w2=' . $width2 . ', h1=' . $height1 . ', h2=' . $height2 . ', w=' . $widthkm . 'km, h=' . $heightkm . 'km
' . "\n"; } # debugon return array ($widthkm, $heightkm, $dbgval); } # end llbskm function nzbskm($nzbs) { global $debugon; # for debug $dbgval = ''; $nthsests = preg_split ('/[,;]/', $nzbs); # https://www.linz.govt.nz/land/maps/linz-topographic-maps/topo50-maps/features-topo50-map/topo50-prototype-map-reading $nths = array(); # northings $ests = array(); # eastings foreach ($nthsests as $k => $v) { $k % 2 == 0 ? $nths [] = $v : $ests [] = $v; } $maxnth = max ($nths); $maxest = max ($ests); $minnth = min ($nths); $minest = min ($ests); /* rectangle coordinates are (nth/est) left: right: top: max/min max/max bot: min/min min/max */ $width1 = ($maxest - $minest) / 1000; # metres to km $height1 = ($maxnth - $minnth) / 1000; # metres to km $widthkm = ceil ($width1 * 10) / 10; # round up to 0.1 km $heightkm = ceil ($height1 * 10) / 10; # round up to 0.1 km if( $debugon ) { $dbgval .= 'nthsests="' . implode ('", "', $nthsests) . '"
' . "\n"; $dbgval .= 'ests="' . var_export ($ests, TRUE) . '"
' . "\n"; $dbgval .= 'nths="' . implode ('", "', $nths) . '"
' . "\n"; $dbgval .= 'minest=' . $minest . ', maxest=' . $maxest . ', minnth=' . $minnth . ', maxnth=' . $maxnth . '
' . "\n"; $dbgval .= 'w1=' . $width1 . ', h1=' . $height1 . ', w=' . $widthkm . 'km, h=' . $heightkm . 'km
' . "\n"; } # debugon return array ($widthkm, $heightkm, $dbgval); } # end nzbskm # http://snipplr.com/view/2531/ function distance($lat1, $lng1, $lat2, $lng2) # convert distance in km between two lat longs { $pi80 = M_PI / 180; $lat1 *= $pi80; $lng1 *= $pi80; $lat2 *= $pi80; $lng2 *= $pi80; $r = 6372.797; // mean radius of Earth in km $dlat = $lat2 - $lat1; $dlng = $lng2 - $lng1; $a = sin($dlat / 2) * sin($dlat / 2) + cos($lat1) * cos($lat2) * sin($dlng / 2) * sin($dlng / 2); $c = 2 * atan2(sqrt($a), sqrt(1 - $a)); $km = $r * $c; return $km; } # end distance