* ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ // ========================================================================= // Configuration // ========================================================================= // This configures how weekdays are presented. // 0 - american style, Sun to Sat // 1 - european style, Mon to Sun $calendar_weekstyle=1; // This configures how dates are presented. // 0 - american style, 11/17/2002 // 1 - european style, 17.11.2002 $calendar_datestyle=1; // How many months relative to the current one to start the calendar. // Can be a negative (going back) or a positive (going ahead) number. // The value zero (0) starts the calendar with the current month. $calendar_months_start=0; // How many months altogether to show on the calendar. $calendar_months_number=1; // How many months after we should wrap and start a new row. $calendar_month_wrap=3; // Whether or not to display current entries at the bottom of the calendar. // Enter 'false' to omit the current period's entries. $display_log_entries=true; // Whether to display a summary or full calendar on individual entry pages. // Enter 'false' to include the calendar on every page. $summary_only=true; // This is the default home of each collection (Group) of date pages. $group=FmtPageName('$Group',$pagename); $wikilog_home_page="{{".$group."}}"; // Allow page names to be all numerics and format Group/yyyymmdd references. $PageTitlePattern="[A-Z0-9][A-Za-z0-9]*(?:-[A-Za-z0-9]+)*"; $CalendarPattern = "[0-9]{8}"; $WikiDateCreateFmt = "\$LinkText"; $LinkPatterns[750]["\\b$GroupNamePattern([\\/.])$CalendarPattern"] = 'FmtWikiDateLink'; // Whether to display non-existent date entries in the calendar as day or day? // Enter 'true' to use the wiki '?' convention for non-existent entries $day_as_wiki=false; // Set depending on whether you need ThisPage:?logdate= or ThisPage:&logdate= $UrlConnector = "?"; #$UrlConnector = "&"; // Month and day names in chosen language $monthnames = array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August', 'September','October','November','December'); $shortdaynames = array('Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat','Sun'); $longdaynames = array('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'); $noentries = 'No entries for'; $today = 'Today'; $below = 'See below.'; $period = 'period'; /* You can define different colours for the dates with or without an entry in the $HTMLHeaderFmt variable. The class attributes for the TD tag are: calendar-today-entry : current date and there is an entry calendar-today-noentry : current date but there is no entry calendar-entry : any other date with an entry calendar-noentry : any other date without an entry The class attribute for date links is: nonexistent-date : wikilink without an entry Example: */ $HTMLHeaderFmt .= ""; // ====================================================================== $logdate = $HTTP_GET_VARS['logdate']; $DoubleBrackets["/^\\[\\[wikilog(:($WikiWordPattern|$FreeLinkPattern))?\\]\\]$/e"] = 'view_calendar("$2");'; function view_calendar($homepage) { global $calendar_months_start, $calendar_months_number, $calendar_month_wrap, $display_log_entries; global $wikilog_home_page, $summary_only, $pagename, $logdate; $r=""; $d=""; $group = FmtPageName('$Group',$pagename); $title = FmtPageName('$Title',$pagename); if ($homepage != '') $wikilog_home_page = $homepage; // check to see whether to display a summary only if (IsDate($title) && ($summary_only==true)) { $r.=adjacent_entries($group, $title) . "\n"; $r.="

". longdate($title) . "

\n"; return $r; } // start configured number of months before/ahead $logdate.="16"; if (IsDate($logdate)) { $year = substr($logdate,0,4); $month= substr($logdate,4,2); } else { if (IsDate($title)) { $year = substr($title,0,4); $month= substr($title,4,2); } else { $year = date("Y"); $month= date("m"); } } $startingtime = mktime(0,0,0,$month,16,$year); // generate the calendar navigation bar $currentmonth= date("Y") . date("m"); $lasttime =$startingtime-$calendar_months_number*2592000; $lastmonth= strftime("%Y",$lasttime) . strftime("%m",$lasttime); $nexttime =$startingtime+$calendar_months_number*2592000; $nextmonth=strftime("%Y",$nexttime) . strftime("%m",$nexttime); if ($currentmonth < $lastmonth) { $r.=calendar_nav($currentmonth) . " - "; } $r.=calendar_nav($lastmonth) . " - "; $r.=calendar_nav($nextmonth); if ($currentmonth > $nextmonth) { $r.=" - " . calendar_nav($currentmonth); } $r.="

"; // generate the calendar $r.="

\n"; $itime=$startingtime+$calendar_months_start*2592000; $i=0; while ($i<$calendar_months_number) { $r.="\n"; if ($display_log_entries==true) { $d=list_entries(strftime("%m",$itime),strftime("%Y",$itime)).$d; } // +1 month // It's actually 30 days which could break when displaying a lot of months // but it should be ok when displaying only one or two years at the same time $itime=$itime+2592000; $i++; if (($i%$calendar_month_wrap==0) && ($i!=12)) $r.=""; } $r.="
"; $r.=calendar_month(strftime("%m",$itime),strftime("%Y",$itime)); $r.="
\n"; // generate the chrono list if ($display_log_entries==true) { $r.= "

" . $wikilog_home_page . ":

\n"; } // translate the page title if (IsDate($title)) { $r.="

". longdate($title) . "

"; } return "$r"; } function calendar_month($month,$year) { global $pagename, $monthnames, $shortdaynames; global $wikilog_home_page, $calendar_weekstyle; $group = FmtPageName('$Group',$pagename); $prefix = $group . "/" . $year . $month; $r=""; $todays_time=mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d"),date("Y")); $last_day_of_month=strftime("%d",mktime(0,0,0,$month+1,0,$year)); $r.=""; // header with month and year $r.="\n"; // weekday names $r.=""; for ($i=$calendar_weekstyle;$i<7+$calendar_weekstyle;$i++) { $r.=""; } $r.="\n"; $count=0; // pre-padding $r.=""; for ($i=0;$i<(strftime("%w",mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year))-$calendar_weekstyle+7)%7;$i++) { $r.=""; $count++; } // days for ($i=1;$i<=$last_day_of_month;$i++) { if ($count%7==0) $r.="\n"; if ($i<10) { $day="0".$i; } else { $day=$i; } $entryname= $prefix . $day; $r.=""; $count++; } // post-padding while ($count%7!=0) { $r.=""; $count++; } $r.="\n"; $r.="
". $monthnames[$month-1] . " ". $year . "
" . $shortdaynames[$i] . "
"; $r.="[[". $entryname . " " . $day . "]]"; } else { $r.="noentry'>"; $r.="[[". $entryname . " " . $day . "]]"; } $r.=" 
\n"; return $r; } function list_entries($month, $year) { global $pagename, $wikilog_home_page, $monthnames, $today, $noentries, $below; $r=""; $group = FmtPageName('$Group',$pagename); $title = FmtPageName('$Title',$pagename); $prefix = $group . "/" . $year . $month; $todays_time=mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d"),date("Y")); $last_day_of_month=strftime("%d",mktime(0,0,0,$month+1,0,$year)); for ($i=1;$i<=$last_day_of_month;$i++) { if ($i<10) { $day="0".$i; } else { $day=$i; } $entrydate = $year . $month . $day; $entryname= $prefix . $day; if (PageExists($entryname)) { $line="
  • [[". $entryname . " "; if (abs($todays_time - mktime(0,0,0,$month,$i,$year)) < 86400) { $line.=$today; } else { $line.=shortdate($year,$month,$day); } $line.="]]: "; if ($entrydate == $title) { $firstpara = "$below"; } else { $snippet = ReadPage($entryname); $snippet['text'] .= "\n"; $firstpara = substr($snippet['text'], 0, strpos($snippet['text'], "\n")); $firstpara = preg_replace("/^[#*!:]+\s*/","",$firstpara); } $line.=$firstpara . "
  • \n"; $r=$line . $r; } } if ($r == "") { $r = "
  • $noentries ".$monthnames[$month-1]." $year.
  • \n"; } return $r; } function IsDate($title) { if (is_numeric($title) && strlen($title) == 8) { $year = substr($title,0,4); $month= substr($title,4,2); $day = substr($title,6,2); return checkdate($month, $day, $year); } else { return false; } } function longdate($title) { global $calendar_datestyle, $monthnames, $longdaynames; $year = substr($title,0,4); $month= substr($title,4,2); $day = substr($title,6,2); if ($day[0] == "0") { $day = $day[1]; } $longmonth = $monthnames[$month-1]; if ($calendar_datestyle == 0) { $r=", $longmonth $day, "; } else { $r=", $day $longmonth "; } $dayname=$longdaynames[strftime("%w",mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year))]; return "$dayname$r$year"; } function calendar_nav($yearmo) { global $calendar_months_number, $UrlConnector, $monthnames, $period; $year = substr($yearmo,0,4); $r = "[[ThisPage:" . $UrlConnector . "logdate="; $r.= $yearmo . " "; $r.= $monthnames[substr($yearmo,4,2)-1]; $r.= " " . $year; if ($calendar_months_number == 1 ) { $r.= "]]"; } else { $r.= " $period]]"; } return $r; } function adjacent_entries($group, $title) { global $wikilog_home_page; $year =substr($title,0,4); $month=substr($title,4,2); $day =substr($title,6,2); $prefix = $group . "/" . $year . $month; $last_day_of_month=strftime("%d",mktime(0,0,0,$month+1,0,$year)); $prev=""; for ($i=1;$i<$day;$i++) { if ($i<10) { $prevday="0".$i; } else { $prevday=$i; } $entryname = $prefix . $prevday; if (PageExists($entryname)) { $prev = "« [[" . $entryname . " "; $prev.= shortdate($year,$month,$prevday) . "]] | "; } } $next=""; for ($i=$last_day_of_month;$i>$day;$i--) { if ($i<10) { $nextday="0".$i; } else { $nextday=$i; } $entryname = $prefix . $nextday; if (PageExists($entryname)) { $next = " | [[" . $entryname . " "; $next.= shortdate($year,$month,$nextday) . "]] »"; } } return $prev . $wikilog_home_page . $next; } function shortdate($year, $month, $day) { global $calendar_datestyle; if ($calendar_datestyle==0) { return "$month/$day/$year"; } return "$day.$month.$year"; } function FmtWikiDateLink($pat,$ref,$btext,$out=NULL,$pname=NULL) { global $WikiPageCreateFmt,$WikiDateCreateFmt,$day_as_wiki; if ($day_as_wiki==true) return FmtWikiLink($pat,$ref,$btext,$out,$pname); $hold = $WikiPageCreateFmt; $WikiPageCreateFmt = $WikiDateCreateFmt; $r = FmtWikiLink($pat,$ref,$btext,$out,$pname); $WikiPageCreateFmt = $hold; return $r; } ?>